Saturday, May 2, 2020

Saturday - Day 47

I slept better last night.  It was gray and overcast this morning.  It rained a little bit in the afternoon.  I put the heater in my bedroom away this morning and it looks like I'll need to take it out again tonight.

I tried to take it easy today.  I did some creative work with music and video.  I messaged with friends.

I made soup and worked on masks.  I tried to watch TV but didn't watch much.  I deleted a lot of shows on the DVR that I know I'll never watch.

I drank some of the tea that I picked up from the farmer's market this week.  It is so pretty and pink it looks like fruit punch.  It tasted good and I love making tea in the pot Jessi gave me at Christmas and in the cup that matches Tammy's.

I made a big crock pot full of chicken taco soup again.  Still as good as the first time I made it.

This evening I drove to pick up a few grocery items from Jess from our shared delivery order and some of her delicious barley and lentil soup.  When she asked me what we wanted from the store, I told her:

Plain bagels
Coffee ice cream
Butterscotch bits
Chocolate chips

I said, "Can you see what stage we're at?"  🤣

The store had no flour but that's okay.  I was planning ahead because I know we'll be using it.

I brought some soup to Jess when I got the groceries and I stopped by to bring some to Jon as well.  A crock pot fills a lot of bellies and I will probably be the only one in this house eating it.

I was at the gate when 8:00 hit, so I howled down there.  Amazingly, my neighbor heard me.  That was fun!

This is the beautiful sunset that appeared as I headed up the driveway.

Oliver decided to lay on the couch above my head tonight.

I have an egg skelter lined with brown eggs and still only the one green one.  It's been about a week and I am still mystified as to why they are not laying. 

I got the hiccups for the first time in probably years.  That's weird and annoying.

Now to shower and get some rest.

We are well and avoiding the crazies.  I hope you are too.

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