Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday. It's 60 days now.

At milestones like this, I remember fighting panic when I thought we were going to be at home for two weeks, and the preparations I made to make sure humans and critters all had enough food to last that long.  Bex remembered tonight about being frightened about potentially being out driving home after midnight when Sonoma County shut down, visions of National Guard causing fear because so much was unknown. 

I did not sleep well to start with last night.  When the alarm went off, I snoozed it, then turned it off and slept another hour and a half.  I felt okay but was disappointed with the late start.

This is the first thing I saw when I walked to the kitchen today.

I think I'm going to name the sourdough starter Vesuvius.

Vesuvius did provide enough starter for me to make a loaf of sourdough bread and a batch of sourdough crackers.  The crackers got overcooked - lessons learned the first time - but the bread is delicious.  The house smells great.  I fed Vesuvius and will try crackers again tomorrow.

I spent a lot of time working this afternoon - lots to do.  I couldn't believe it was after 5:00 pm when I looked at the clock.  No TV or mask time today.  But it's Friday.

The two packages that had been misdelivered yesterday were delivered today!  Our regular carrier is awesome. 

A quiet evening, much more to do tomorrow.  Here's hoping for a better night's sleep.

We are well at Day 60.  Intending to stay that way.  I hope you are too.

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