Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Friday Friday - Day 53

I did not sleep well again, tossing and turning in the heat.  I did finally sleep and woke a half hour before the alarm, with a mild headache.

Work this morning.  Masks as well.  I discovered I've been making a mistake with some of the ties so now have figured out how to make those better.

I found a small gift to send to my grandmother in Florida and called my folks to confirm I had the correct room number to ship it to her.  It was really good to talk with them.  Consensus is that they think Yellow should go into the stew pot.  I'm not ready for that at this point.  He was being a rooster and I think he learned his lesson.  I put the screen in front of the doorway into the nesting box before checking for eggs, and he doesn't even try to come near me.  I feel bad about knocking his head into the ceiling but maybe that taught him to stay away?  I'm still not taking chances.  And my hand still hurts. 

Our box rental was due April 1.  When I called the first week of April to pay over the phone because I wasn't going out, I was told to wait until things eased up.  When May 1 passed, I figured I'd best try again.  He asked when I would be in.  I said I'm not sure because of the shutdown... and he ranted a little about how this is ridiculous, shutting the economy down for no good reason.  I just stayed silent, stunned.  After a beat, I asked if I could pay by phone and he said yes, and we took care of it.

Remember that package that was waylaid by the post office yesterday?  The postmaster at my local office called this morning to say they've been having issues with the San Francisco delivery showing up but the package was in town and scheduled to be delivered this afternoon.  I let the seller know right away so she didn't needlessly send another magnet.  She is insisting on sending a small gift for my trouble - even though neither of us did a darn thing wrong.  I'll share here when it arrives.  She is so sweet!  But the good thing about her not needing to send me that magnet?  That means that there is an adorable, well made magnet ready for you to put on your dishwasher too!

It's just what Bex and I need to keep ourselves from guessing at the constant flow of dishes, now that we are cooking at home all the time.  Go get yours at Yellow Door Merchants!  They're a young Etsy store and could use your support.

Howling was fun tonight.  My neighbor and I traded howls with two other people on a neighboring property.  Hearing that first howl from that direction always brings a big smile to my face and I want to shout "Thank you!"  I might next time.

The afternoon was hot.  I worked a little and read a book.  There is more reading and less television this week.  I finished a book this evening, a take on Outlander in the opposite direction - Scottish hottie lands from 1702 to 2017.  I don't recommend it.  It was worthwhile reading a free copy but I'm not willing to pay for the next installment.

I need to pick up hay again tomorrow and should probably place a grocery order soon.  The list is growing.

We are well tonight.  I hope you are too.

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