Saturday, October 31, 2020

Saturday - COVID231 and FIRE72

I thought I'd sleep in a bit longer, but the earlier bedtime last night meant up at 8am.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the morning with daylight saving time ending and all.

I did some work this morning, and am still a little behind but not too much.

Then I went to the library to drop off a couple things and pick up a couple books.  After that, a trip to Home Depot to curbside pick up my motion sensing solar outdoor light order.  Now to find a couple spots to put them so they illuminate the chicken coop.

It was exciting to hearing the Ring notification a couple of times tonight.  We saw a fox run from the barn area toward the front of the house, and then back again a few minutes later.  The camera caught a split second flash of another animal in front of the fox on the second run-through, but it's impossible to see what it is.  It's about the size of a raccoon but I'm not sure a raccoon could outrun a fox.

Then again, I've never seen a raccoon run.  Maybe they can run fast when motivated.

I finished the blanket I started on when I was with Tammy during evacuations.  I'll have to take a better photo in the daylight.  I loved the center mandala that I wasn't content with making one and mounting it in a hoop.  So I decided to use a section of another pattern to make it into squares and create the blanket.  It weighs about 5 pounds!

It should be pretty cozy on my bed - I'll give it a try and see.  It was plenty warm while I was sewing the panels together the last couple of days.

I'm looking forward to getting some things done around the house tomorrow.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday - COVID230 and FIRE71

I slept a little late again but not too bad.

It was a work day, somewhat busy but not crazy.

I was able to talk to Mom and Dad this afternoon, but not for as long as we wanted because there were issues with the cell phones.  I meant to call them back later but when I remembered, it was way late. :(  I'll try again tomorrow.  It was good to talk with them.

The trail cams are behaving badly and not recording overnight.  ChickenCoopCam was on today but kept turning itself off.  I reset it again for tonight (thinking maybe it overheated?) and if it doesn't record, I'll dig into customer service to see what's up.

The Ring went off tonight and showed me a fox walking through the coop area again.  Luckily it's just breezing right past the coop and not investigating.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday - COVID229 and FIRE70

Sleeping in was not as late this morning and I woke up at an okay time to start work.

I forgot to mention that the morning after the bobcat breach, Blue still laid an egg.  Apparently she trusts me enough not to stop production when predators are near.  Or her breeding is showing - high production.

I dreamt that Oliver brought a bobcat cub home.  They both trotted up to the slider.  I only let Oliver inside, though I wanted to bring the bobcat in too.  It was really cute and friendly.

The bobcat seems to have stayed away from the chicken coop.  The trail cameras quit recording yesterday afternoon, so there may be a timer that I need to adjust.  So if the cat did show up last night, I have no way of knowing.  The Ring camera seems to be hit or miss.  It did notify me of movement tonight.  Adrenaline spiked as I pulled up the live image on my phone - to see nothing - while I walked to look out the door - to see nothing.  The recorded video showed a 'possum running through.

I made tortellini soup for dinner which was good.  It's always a winter favorite for me.

I'm looking forward to the weekend.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Wednesday - COVID228 and FIRE69

I'm going to bed late and sleeping late again but it wasn't as late this morning.

After working for a while, I heard Oliver meowing at Becca's bedroom door.  She later came out to let me know that Ollie had left a dead bird (and feathers) in her bathroom.  I helped her clear it out.  

When reviewing video from last night and this morning, I discovered the bobcat came back again just two hours after I had chased it away.  

Tammy came up this afternoon and we reinforced the chicken coop.  The cameras have been going all day and I set an alarm on the Ring and repositioned it so that if anything shows up, it will hopefully be scared off.  So far there's been no activity on the Ring, though it did miss the return of the bobcat yesterday evening.  It's hard to get it set up in a place where it has a close view without being in the elements.

I made curry for dinner tonight and it's always good, filling, comforting, and with this batch - sinus clearing without being painfully hot.

I've had a hard time settling in to sleep tonight.  I forgot about making tea until I was finally tired enough to go to bed, but I need to remember it earlier so I can get better rest.

We are safe and well and so are the critters.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Tuesday - COVID227 and FIRE68

I skipped a couple of days because we lost power Sunday until Monday evening and the blog flew out of my head last night.  

It's hard to remember the last couple of days other than we did some errands and got food to go on the nights we had no power.  Cory and Jess brought up the trailer and it looks GREAT.  I need to paint it and do lots of practice towing.  It's good to have it here in case we need it.

Facebook knows first that there's been a lot of animal activity on the farm the last few days, including a young fox and a bobcat checking out the chicken coop in the early morning hours of yesterday and today. 

Just as the sun was beginning to think about setting, I heard a loud noise I didn't recognize.  By the time I got to the sliding glass door on the side of the house with the chickens, Oliver the cat was staring at the door and the chickens were making a huge ruckus.  I shook the door loudly, opened it and closed it loudly, and saw a bobcat actually making its exit from the chicken coop.  I started yelling at it as I walked (slowly) down the steps toward the coop until it went into the blackberry bushes.  I secured the door with the bent latch and called Bex with shaking hands to talk it through.

The chickens are okay and I got there just in time because the bobcat was halfway through the coop on its way to a tasty meal.  The top of the chicken run was dented out near the door where it likely jumped up when I made my appearance before it found the doorway out.  I've wired everything closed and put a crate and bricks and a 5 gallon bottle of water on the entrance the bobcat used this evening.  We'll be putting the animals in even earlier and will be securing the coop even more tomorrow.  I've ordered some solar motion activated lights to mount on the coop and some alarms for the doors and have plans to make the edges spikey and maybe even create another perimeter around the coop and run.

We're all safe and well tonight.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Saturday - COVID224 and FIRE65

Dang, I overslept today.  I kept waking up a little then snuggling back into the warmth.  Oliver didn't bug me and Bella didn't bark.  So I was shocked to see that it was 12:15 pm when I finally rolled out of bed.  I started automatically to feed Bella when Bex popped in and said that she had already fed her, and the cat, and done chores.  Whew!!  She also had coffee ready to go and started heating the water as soon as she saw I was up.  What a great kid.

I spent a lot of time reviewing footage from four cameras this morning and found some gems.  I've got the bobcat and fox videos done and will work on squirrel and 'possum later.  There was a lot of activity this week.

The fox video will need to be uploaded to YouTube because it's too big to share here.

I spent the rest of the shortened day with Bex and then she visited with a friend while I crocheted for a bit.  I went to bed still late but earlier than I have been for a while.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Friday - COVID223 and FIRE64

I slept much later today but it worked out.  And I worked most of the day.

I've been waking up the sourdough starter from its hibernation in the fridge since the weather turned warmer.  It's starting to wake up a little but it's taking longer than I'd thought.  Bex and I are looking forward to pretzels again.  Someday.

Leftover soup is still going strong for lunch and sometimes dinner and is even better warmed up.  I think I have one more bowl left so I'll need to make another big dish this weekend.  I am thinking curry sounds good again.  If I had a few more tomatoes I could make soup but that takes a substantial amount.  I have some but not enough for that.  So I think salsa is on the menu too.

We are still binge watching a show that is too good to stop but we do stop when one of us starts dozing.

I'm looking forward to the weekend.  Though I got notice that the power may be shut off Sunday due to high winds and dry weather.  This notice came on the anniversary of the Kincade fire so the timing sucked.  Evacuation is one thing.  Doing it with no power is another.

We are safe and well with no fires nearby as I finally go to bed.  I hope you are too.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Thursday - COVID222 and FIRE63

I'm still sleeping in.  The good news is that the headache seems to be gone.

When reviewing the Ring camera this morning I noticed Oliver flying across the yard.  Typically I watch each snip in sequence with him walking left to right, then right to left the next time, stopping to look out over the yard.  We slowed it down and looked as closely as we could and Bex and I think he was trying to get a chipmunk.  Those suckers are fast and Oliver didn't sneak up closer and ran from too far away to catch it.

It was a work Thursday and I'm looking forward to the weekend.

I didn't even leave the property to check the mail today - the daily email I get from the post office didn't show anything anyway.

We are worried about the weekend fire danger but trying not to focus too much on it.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wednesday - COVID221 and FIRE62

I slept late again and feel like all I want to do is sleep once I hit the bed.  The sun is obnoxious in making sure I get up.

Another busy work day and a bit intense.  It feels like Friday.

When I checked the Ring camera this morning I discovered we'd had a fox visitor at about 2:30 am.  Nothing else on the other cameras and I am trying to be sure to get them out every night now.  

Bex made dinner and we had a good episode of watching Bella play and get stuck under her bed walking around and bumping into things like a blind turtle.  We watched our show until I got tired.

I'm trying to stay positive but today was a test of that effort.  

But we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday - COVID220 and FIRE61

Yes, the FIRE will stay there until it's out.  We still have smoke from flare-ups from time to time.  I am still packed and ready in case one of those flare-ups throws a spark outside of the containment area.  

I slept late again but that's okay.  I still got my work done and made my morning phone appointment on time.

Bex and I headed to Santa Rosa for feed store and Michael's curbside pickup.  I love our drives and conversations and enjoying music together.  The laughs too.  

Bex made dinner and we watched a show.  I enjoy the time with her while I can.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Monday - COVID219 and FIRE60

 I slept late again but got some good sleep in.  

Nothing much today but a work day.  I cleaned out the fridge, which always feels good.

Leftover soup today for lunch and dinner because it's that good.

Bex visited with a friend and she fell asleep while we watched our show.  Being outside and walking in fresh air will do that to you.

No critters to speak of on the camera review today.  The squirrel showed up again this morning, flitting about in the driveway.  I caught him in the back yard one time when I went outside.

The Ring camera notifies me each time there's motion in its vicinity.  I've learned that most of the time it's Oliver.  He walks back and forth in the back yard.  The camera is an ongoing scene of him seemingly pacing - one time from the left, the next from the right.  It came in handy this evening when I heard the notification and he hadn't come in for the night yet.  It was easy to catch him 'cause I knew where he was.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday - COVID218 and FIRE59

I didn't sleep as long as I wanted but woke up feeling okay.

I worked a bit this morning and started the crock pot with spicy chicken taco soup.  

I met up with Mom and Dad at Jessi's house and we had a good visit with Mom safely in the van.  We exchanged some things we've been holding for a bit and it was good to see each other.  It's really hard not to hug but the safest thing for now.  I'm really grateful to be able to see and talk with them and happy that they can get out for safe drives.

The soup turned out really good.  It'll provide leftovers to eat for a while.

I felt tired earlier tonight and was nodding off on the couch.  Wishing for another day or two off the regular job but maybe I can arrange that this week, or at least a couple half days.  I felt better when I had done some work in the kitchen. 

I smelled smoke tonight but don't see anything on all of the apps and pages and cameras.  It could be a Walbridge flareup in the burn zone that they are keeping an eye on.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday - COVID217 and FIRE58

I slept 8 hours and could have slept more if the sun wasn't blaring into the room with its accompanying intense heat through an uncovered (still) window.

I was just starting some work when I decided to accompany Bex to have her new tires put on her car.  There would be some wait time and neither one of us had our Costco membership cards yet.  Thankfully it wasn't too busy and we were able to dodge around safely to get the tires started and cards in wallets and grabbed a couple of things from the store while we were there.

We sat in my car and observed her car being worked on, laughing when the poor guys took each tire outside to shake and bounce and kick them to get the dust off.  It's pretty bad.  By the fourth tire I was wondering why they didn't use the air nozzles on them, but maybe that wouldn't have been big or strong enough.  As it was, we were giggling the whole time and the theme song for the Harlem Globetrotters was running through my head.  Belly laughs are good.

We chilled this afternoon and Bex cooked dinner.

We are safe and well and enjoying the weekend.  I hope you are too.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday - COVID216 and FIRE57

Another late morning but not too bad.  I've had a lingering headache most of the day.  Maybe the heat and dehydration.  I tried to drink more water today.

A squirrel showed up on the trail cam from this morning, very industrious in trying to bury what I think was an acorn in its mouth.

I'm glad this work week is behind me and hope for a relaxing and productive weekend.  At this point I feel like I could sleep for days.  

We are safe and well and looking forward to the weekend.  I hope you are too.

Thursday - COVID215 and FIRE56

Getting out of bed wasn't easy again but I made it.

As for work, if it's Thursday of this week, it must be another ex parte (emergency).  During a week that I'm so tired of working, these are both interesting and (so far) helpful for our clients, but I still need a break.  

I caught a fox on camera from last night and am glad that I'm resetting the cameras again.  Most of the time there's nothing but catching those moments makes it worthwhile.

Bex got the old bed and headboard out of her room and set up the new stand.  It made a huge difference and there's a lot more space now.  

I'm hoping for an easier day tomorrow and looking forward to the weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Wednesday - COVID212 and FIRE55

The bedroom got hot early today as the sun blasted in through curtainless windows that I'll take care of eventually.  I woke late again but since work is generally flexible so all was well.

Another busy day and too many emergencies and computer issues but it worked out.

At 1:30 I'm still not tired but will try to sleep anyway.  The wind kicked up a little bit and I smelled smoke faintly but nothing crazy is happening currently.  I'm hoping it will stay quiet and hoping for a good rain so I can unpack the car and relax. Even committing to taking a shower becomes an internal argument about timing because who wants to get caught evacuating while in the midst of that?  And there's no good time - no way to know when fire will start or where.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tuesday - COVID211 and FIRE54

Sleep is still elusive but I know this won't last forever.

Work was busy today until it wasn't because power was out at the office building.  I could still get some things done, just nothing that required access to our files.

Mom and Dad sent toe socks that I can use with my new shoes.  They are super cute and colorful, and Becca and I will share them.  We wore them this morning until it got too hot this afternoon.

The wind picked up tonight, so I did a little more consolidation, stopped myself, and then tried to stop fretting about the precious minutes I'll waste on the other things I will need to put in a bag just in case.  It's hard not to let this rule my life but frankly I'm tired of packing and living out of my car, though I still do it.  The remaining stuff is all in one place ready to drop into a bag and go.

At least I'm not unplugging the computer overnight.

I felt sleepy early tonight and stopped our TV watching earlier than usual.  Maybe I can get some good sleep tonight.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday - COVID210 and FIRE54

 It was a Monday work day.  I slept okay and wished I could sleep longer.  It seems I can't get tired until really late these days.  I do need to remember that I have tea that helps - and should start sipping that with dinner.  Though I do enjoy my late nights with Bex.

The lion expert called me today in response to my email last night about the juvenile lion we saw.  We had a great conversation and he had some good tips and information for my neighbor's goat enclosure, which I shared with her this afternoon.  What I'm doing with my animals is good - he had no additional suggestions. 

We are sticking close to the house and getting the animals inside before dark.  I saw the video making its rounds today about the man who came across a lioness and her cubs while hiking alone and his harrowing backtrack away from her.  I wasn't going to share it with Bex because I knew it would scare her, but she showed me a short clip that came across her phone while she was sitting in the hammock outside.  She promptly came inside.  

We took her car in and emptied the rest of my savings until Bex can pay me back.  Ugh.  Cars.  It was expensive but necessary and worth the investment because it's still a good car.  I think part of the problem is the damn dust.  How do we knock that out of and off of our cars routinely so it doesn't build up?

It was a good day overall and I'm trying to find my way back to feeling more positive and calmer.  The upcoming fire weather won't help that much but I'm trying.  It's like living on the edge of your seat.  You just can't mentally kick back and put your feet up.  Maybe that's part of the sleep problem.  I feel like I want/need to stay awake and alert all of the time.

But we are safe and well and loved and supported by good people.  I hope you are too.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Sunday - COVID209 and FIRE53

I wanted to sleep later but the sun wouldn't let me, glaring into my face with no escape since there are still no curtains on the window.

I was tired and just generally out of it today.  I did some work and Bex and I ran to town to pick up feed and groceries.  Her car started okay but we're still too unsure of it to have her run errands on her own.  We'll get it to the shop for diagnostic tomorrow.  FIXD says it's fine and we know it's not.  The exhaust is pretty potent.

On our way back from picking up groceries, we caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a juvenile mountain lion dart into the blackberry bushes from in front of the car as we went up the driveway.  I stopped the car and we stared at the emptiness and at each other, stunned.

I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow.  Resting this weekend hasn't helped much.  Maybe I'll be able to get better sleep tonight.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Saturday - COVID208 and FIRE52

I woke up early today and couldn't get back to sleep.  Thus, I took a short nap at some point.

Bex and I ran a couple of errands but otherwise stayed at home and rested up a bit.

Her car started fine and the FIXD app said nothing was wrong.  But we'll take it to the shop next week to get it checked out just in case.

I'm hoping for a more productive day tomorrow but have a stressed-out feeling in the pit of my stomach and am just plain tired.  The good news is that it sprinkled a little today.  That helps but doesn't get rid of fire danger.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

TGIFriday - COVID207 and FIRE51

It got cold last night so I turned on the heater for the first time - really low.  It was cozy for a while but I turned it off quickly when I got up.  It doesn't take much to warm up my room.

Work today was productive.  I took a break in the middle to go to the library and to pick up a curtain rod for my bedroom window.  The curtains arrive later.  

Bex is having car trouble.  We'll take a look at it tomorrow and hope it isn't too bad.  Neither one of us can afford this right now and she was just going to start Dashing again.  Can't do that without a car.

We had a peaceful evening and I'm hoping for a productive and relaxing weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Thursday - COVID206 and FIRE50

I woke up a little late again today.  It was overcast and cool and everything felt like it moved slowly this morning, especially my internet connection and brain.

Nothing on three out of the four cameras this morning.  When I pressed down on the memory card to remove the fourth, my finger slipped and the spring-loaded card careened into the general vicinity of the kitchen sink.  I searched everywhere and couldn't find it.  Finally when I mentioned it to Bex tonight, she was able to locate it - hidden behind the tall column of the faucet.  I dried it off and will check it tomorrow.

Work is keeping me busy and I'm wishing for a day off, needing more than the two weekend days that seem to get covered in other things I need to do.  I may need to arrange to shut off the remote connection to work one day next week.

Overall it was a quiet yet busy work day.  There was another fire at Lytton Springs that they contained to a 1/4 acre.  That area has been too busy lately.

But we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday - COVID205 and FIRE49

The crick in my neck is going away but it's still pretty stiff.  No nightmares last night, just tossy-turny and I woke up a little late.  Not too bad for work, though I am still behind.

No new flare-ups and no sirens today.  

But what I DID see this morning got my heart racing a little.  Walking to get the goats out of the barn, I noticed new tracks in soft dirt between the chicken coop and barn.  Remember Bex and I heard something outside last night that we couldn't see?

I sent the photos to our local expert on mountain lions to get his opinion but yes, I do believe that's what those tracks are from and what likely was making the subtle noises we heard last night.  Of course there was no trail cam pointed in that direction last night.  So tonight, I unpacked all of them from the car and the place is bristling with cameras.  Of course, there will probably be nothing on any of them again.  But maybe there will.

And as much as I love using them, I keep thinking through how I will add those to the things I need to collect and repack if we need to go again.  

We heard a single coyote howling tonight with no response.  It made Bex cry.  We wondered if it was the one that showed up here this week and if he's lost contact with his pack because of the fire.  It could be he's tonight's soloist and they were listening but still.  I hope he finds his pack if that's what he is looking for.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tuesday - COVID204 and FIRE48

I've had a crick in my neck the past three mornings.  I had nightmares again last night.  This time it was a giant rattlesnake in the driveway between me and the house, and I had Bella on leash.  When I say giant, I mean python sized.

No creatures on the trail cam today but Bex and I thought we heard something outside tonight.  We couldn't see it but maybe it will be captured on video if it went to the front of the house.  I don't want to unpack much so only have the one camera set up for now.

It was a busy work day so not too much to report.

The fires are easing up, though I did wake up this morning to hearing fire engine sirens from two directions.  One was a house fire outside Healdsburg and the other an accident in the opposite direction.  

All in all, we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday - COVID203 and FIRE47

I tossed and turned again last night and did not sleep past the sun hitting my window because the roll-up shade decided it had had enough and separated itself from the roll.  I am now awaiting new curtains because the shade is a PITB and I won't replace it.

It was another work day, though I did look through the video captured by the trail cam this morning and discovered a coyote strolling along the driveway.  That was a first and rather exciting.

The work day kept me busy.  Then I went down to pick up some groceries from Jess in the evening.  She and Cory have been working on the trailer now that it's at their place and it is coming right along!

Bex cooked dinner and I enjoyed spending some time with her before I started yawning, signaling bedtime.

The fires have been quieter today, or at least I'm not getting as many notifications.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday - COVID202 and FIRE46

It was a quieter day today.  I woke up pretty much on time but had a crick in my neck all day that had actually started yesterday morning.  

I made curry paste and a dinner of curry with rice.  I used Asian peppers for the first time in the curry paste and was a little heavy-handed in using it in the recipe, so it was a double whammy that had my nose running and was probably really good for me.

I somehow tweaked my back, so the cooking was done in shifts with stretching and rest today.  Not as much accomplished as I had hoped.

Fire activity nearby has been minimal today.  The weather got pretty warm but it's cooling into the 50s at night so that helps.

I'm tired but we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday - COVID201 and FIRE45

I woke up to Jess calling to let me know she would be at my place soon to work on the trailer.  Oops.  When she found out I'd just woken up, she said she'd delay a bit so I had time for some coffee and chores before she, Cory, and Leina arrived.  

We made good progress on the trailer as the day got warmer and then hotter.  Cory went home to get a tool and Jess and I headed out to get sandwiches.  By the time we got back with food, we agreed it was getting too hot to finish today but then when we were done, wanted to keep going.

However, we realized the grinder and chain saw that we needed to use would throw sparks.  Even though I had water in buckets nearby and hoses, it was too much of a risk that it could start a fire.  We hooked up the trailer to my car and got ready to take it to Jessi's house to finish up there.

When I came outside ready to go, the wind had picked up and a huge gust ran through blowing leaves and my hair all over.  A feeling of panic hit me and I froze.  After some discussion, and some tears on my part, we agreed that Cory would hook the trailer up and take it down and I would stay at the house because of the increased fire danger.  I felt awful about not working on it more but knew that I wouldn't be able to calm my mind thinking about the animals at home that I might not be able to get to.

I put a few things back in the car and watched the fire notifications come in and be addressed.  

At about 9:15 p.m., not long after two fires had started north of me, I heard a helicopter fly by.  And then again.  So I looked at the radar and noticed it was circling my house.  I went outside to see if they were using the searchlight or trying to get a message to us.  It was hard to see the 'copter in the dark and there was no searchlight.  After a phone call and texting with my neighbor while the 'copter circled for about 15 minutes and at least a dozen circles, we figured out it was Henry 1, the Sheriff's helicopter.  I called the nonemergency number to inquire about why they were there - because I'd see the circles it had made just previous to this above the new fires and the Glass Fire.  I was told they were just checking for flares and hot spots. 

There's nothing like a helicopter doing donuts to keep you up at night.

Bex and I tried to ease our worry by watching a show and then went to bed late again.

It's a little nerve-wracking here at times but we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Friday - COVID200 and FIRE44

We made it through 200 days of shelter at home.  I went to the feed store that first night before so I had enough food for all of us for two weeks.  Who knew?

It was a work day.  That is all that happened during the day.  I had a hard time focusing 'cause I'm still not sleeping well or for very long.

The smoke was thick again today and the air still until late afternoon when a light breeze started from the area of Walbridge.  Nice/not nice.

Then Walbridge flared up this evening.  Fire officials are watching the flares in the burn zone, not anticipating trouble.  I'm hoping for no wind.

I told Tammy this feels like torture.  It's like living next to a bomb.  It may or may not go off.  And you really can't leave because unless the countdown starts, there's nowhere to house the goats and chickens.  And the countdown might start or it might not.  And you have no idea how long the countdown will be.  Will it be run-for-your-life short or will you have plenty of time?  Have I said how much I hate this?

I've prepared before going to bed and gathered the very few items that I bring in from the car.  Two bags and animals and we are ready.

I'm hoping for a productive and yet relaxing weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Thursday - COVID199 and FIRE43

I woke a little later today.  I've stopped caring about the alarm clock unless I have an appointment.  I had nightmares about fire on Westside again.

It was an intense and long work day, with smoke finding its way inside the house by afternoon, despite closing windows and doors.  This place leaks air, whether it's cold, hot, or smoke, like a sieve.

By the time the sun went down, the sky was clear and the smoke had dissipated.  Thankfully, the air was still.  A breeze would have felt good in the heat, but would have generated more anxiety than it would have been worth.

I'm thankful for a weekend coming up.  I hope to finish the trailer and take care of some things around the house without being at the computer so much.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Wednesday - COVID198 and FIRE42

I woke up late again.  Got busy with work, took a break to go to pick up feed and a sandwich from A'roma that Bex and I haven't had in over a year.  Back to work when I returned.

The WalbridgeFireThatWillNeverEnd was quiet today.  Glass Incident is calmer in Sonoma County, though we are concerned for the next few days as the weather heats up and the winds shift.

I'm pretty tired from it all but hanging in there.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.