Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday - Catching Up

I hadn't taken many notes for the blog yesterday because the day was so routine.

It was 4/20 and I decided in the evening that I wanted to try a little weed.  The first time as an adult.

Suffice to say that I recognized pretty quickly last night that even if I could resurrect a story or two from the day, I would not be able to type it.  And then I mistakenly worried that the dry mouth and throat I was experiencing might be swelling of my mouth and throat.  Logically there was no way I was having an allergic reaction, my breathing was totally fine, I could swallow the tons of water I was drinking, but I was not making good decisions and asked Bex to call 911.

I felt bad when the EMTs showed up. I had started to feel a little better while waiting and told dispatch so, but there is no going back once you push that dial button.  They checked me out, exclaimed at what a healthy 57-year-old I am, on no medications, and all testing they did was stellar.  (When asked my age I thought for a moment and said, "57."  Then paused and added helpfully, "And a half.")  I apologized for having them come out for a grandma who decided to try weed on 4/20 and then overreacted with worry.  🤣  They were fine and actually said, "Happy 420" as they left.

I spent the rest of the evening on the couch watching TV and eating mini eclairs before going to bed more relaxed than I have been in months and was able to have a really good night's sleep.  As I laid down, I could understand how this in small doses could really help people with anxiety and sleep disorders.  A dosage pen might have been better than a joint.  This is not 70s Maui Wowie.  But that's hindsight, 20/20 on 4/20 in 2020. 

When Mandi called me this morning with a question, I told her and Ant the story and we laughed together.  Then she said I needed to tell Jess so Mandi could talk to her about it.  So I repeated the story in a call with Jess and we laughed again.  It was a funny adventure and one I won't forget anytime soon.

Mom called to chat because last night's blog was so short.  She was not as amused.

I dove into projects and am still trying to pin down why my thread randomly breaks.  I have ruled out all but one thing now.  So far it hasn't broken for the last two masks I finished off tonight.  If that holds, we're good.  If not, next and last item. 

I have nine masks ready to ship to CO.  I'm a little short of my goal because I am still figuring out the math on how many to cut.  I made 12 masks total but ran out of fabric to create the ties.

Lily stayed in the pen.  I dropped an egg this morning when getting it from the coop, so only retrieved for the day.  The Americaunas are still not laying.

Today felt off.  I am feeling stress in my body but making sure to take the time I need to relax and try to keep my mind off the crazy. 

We are well.  I hope you are too and can stay that way.  Stay home.  Stay safe.  Keep your family and friends safe.

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