Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Three Weeks Completed - Tuesday Begins Week Four

I went to bed at about 2:00 a.m. and have no idea when I got to sleep because my mind was racing.  It doesn't help that there's critters under the house again and I have to figure out how to deal with that.  I thought I had it handled.

I can't believe three weeks have passed since Sonoma County went home except for those precious souls who are essential workers keeping us quite literally alive.  You would think I would have gotten a lot accomplished.  In thinking about it, I have been trying to figure out what the new normal is, doing some wheel-spinning, going from project to project being totally unfocused because of my emotional state - fear, sadness, depression, denial, putting on a happy face, trying to find the good.  I wrote today that I'm still in the "doing what I must and a little of what I want but mostly wandering or sitting in shock" stage.

I want to write that I am finding my way and lots will be accomplished this week.  I think a lot of the wheel-spinning is because I know that isn't true.  I can't plan for the next 12 hours, let alone a day or week ahead.

Remote work this morning.  We are running out of staples in the kitchen, so the juggling between stores that offer pick-up or delivery begins.

I started to cut the fabric and then realized that it needs to be washed at least two, preferably three, times for maximum shrinkage.  So now two separate loads are on their way through, along with the kid's clothes.  Two loads because I have light and dark fabric and don't want any bleedage.

Amazon delivered the herbs for the chicken nesting box.  They are supposed to be beneficial for the chickens and encourage laying.  The chickens are slacking.  The Americaunas quit laying about a week ago.  Just when I need more eggs rather than less.

When I went out to get the Amazon delivery, I saw this.  It's clear that we're not driving the road much these past few weeks.

 Poppies in the Road

My current internet service is not working well for what I need to do, so I contacted HughesNet to talk about bigger badder service that meets my needs.  I got bigger badder service for very little extra in cost by shifting plans and the guy on the phone was so helpful.  He said I was the nicest person he's spoken to all day, and I made him laugh a couple times.  Especially when I told him I might call the installation number he gave me to try and see if I can get the new equipment installed sooner, but I am kind of liking the 4/20 install.  That got a good belly laugh from him and a wish at the end of our call that I enjoy 4/20.  I don't partake but I know I'll enjoy getting the new service.

I don't remember what I was doing when I got notice that the space station would be starting to fly overhead just before the 8:00 p.m. howl time, so I headed outside.  I had forgotten about the moon until I saw this beautiful sight!

I got to see the space station overhead.  I wish I'd started a video (that I would have shared without sound!) of my first howl tonight.  All of the cows lifted their heads and just looked at me like, "What the heck are you doing?"  Then went back to grazing.

I'm still moving, still looking for new normal, for more energy.  Going outside more times today and walking helped.  The beautiful view helped.  The break from rain helped.  (It's still too cold.)

Lily got out twice today.  It's becoming routine.  I still don't know how she's doing it and my camera is not cooperating so I can't set it up to spy.  I'll pull out the manual to figure it out.  It's translated from probably Chinese or Korean so it takes real brain power to decipher.

Another baked potato for dinner for me because I wanted more salsa.  🤣😋  Bex made pasta with made-from-scratch Alfredo sauce with steamed broccoli.  I tried some - it was good!

We are well and safe and staying home.  I hope you are too.

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