Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday, Day 20 - A Busy Connecting Day and Beautiful Sky Video

I open a new blog post every morning so I can jot notes throughout the day.  This is one way I can remember what day of the week it is - I see yesterday's post in the list.

I started the morning with a good conversation in email.  It helps to hear what others are doing and to be able to share my own experiences.  I received some helpful video exercise links that I look forward to exploring and incorporating in the days ... weeks? ... to come.

I received a video call from Angelo today!  It feels so good when he reaches out to me on his own.  He showed me his Batman and Robin and Joker Lego figures, and their cars.  He fixed the Joker car by putting the flames on it, then everyone crashed. We then went through the different faces and embellishments in Messenger to change our appearances. My favorite was when I was a slice of talking pizza. I could spend every video call from here on out in that disguise.  Then Alyssa joined in for a bit, and Amanda, before they logged off to make cheesecake together.

I made salsa using a Chevy's copycat recipe that has been sitting in my cookbook unused.  I used the last of our fresh tomatoes, charring them in the iron skillet with onion, garlic, and a homegrown dried habanero.  Everything went into the Ninja with homemade taco seasoning and a little more salt and pepper.  I've had a tried and true favorite recipe for a long time and this one finally beat it out.  I love having homemade salsa on hand for various recipes and to add to breakfast burritos when Becca makes them.

I set up my sewing area and opened the pack I picked up from Joann Fabrics to make masks.  The kit is disappointing.  It contained supplies to make two masks instead of five as I'd been told, and and thin fabric that I am not sure will be helpful, cut rather small.  I am making them to see how they turn out but I made a big mistake on the first one because the directions are so vague.  I am tearing those seams out slowly.  It is taking more time because I used the smallest stitch length possible in order to make sure these are sturdy.  I am still awaiting my fabric order so I can make masks from the pattern suggested by Kaiser.

Thanks to member Karen Rawson, some of the Wind Children gathered for about an hour and a half for a Virtual Open Mic via Zoom.  It was wonderful to some faces I have not seen in a while, hear some music, catch up a little bit with each other.  As always, there is never enough time and I am hoping we can make this a weekly gathering.  This group is family.  Most I have known since 1976.  Some I have only met online or at recent reunions and yet I feel as if I have known them the same amount of time.  Our shared experiences connect us, and we know how to communicate honestly and heart to heart and with music.  These people feed my soul.

I had to log off early from the gathering to get the critters in before dark.  The big goats were being uncooperative so I decided to get some extra exercise and go ahead and walk them to the barn as I caught them.  The little ones came right to me, and as I was walking with Luna and Moonshine to the barn, I got to see the most beautiful sky.  Soon as I got the little ones in the barn, I took out my phone to capture it as best I could.  The video is below.

Beauty is All Around Us

Not long after chores were done, my reminder alarm went off for our nightly howl.  It is still just me and my neighbor and her little dog, Rascal.  The rooster didn't join in, but the turkeys did.

Jess contacted me to see if I need anything from the grocery store before this week's delivery.  She was able to get a delivery time this weekend.  It will be nice to pick up a couple things that we ran out of today that I hadn't realized we were low on until this morning.

A quiet evening carefully taking out stitches while watching television.  I'm not watching the news anymore.  The past two days my jaw has been tense and my throat tight with tension, so I'm letting it go.  My online review of news once a day will do.  Any emergencies come to me by phone.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

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