Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday - COVID232 and FIRE73

This is the time for nightmares it seems.  Last night's was me and Bex sitting on the couch watching election results.  There was a celebrity visiting - I cannot for the life of me remember who she was - and she was in another part of the house.  The screen on the TV went black and white with a globe in the middle and it said WORLD QUAKE.  Becca and I grabbed each other's arms and looked at each other as the lights flickered.  We didn't feel anything but were worried.  Then the WORLD QUAKE warning flashed on the TV again and the power went out.  We still didn't feel any shaking but had no idea what was going on.  I remember while we were getting battery packs lined up and ready and starting to look at our phones to find out what happened that the celebrity woman asked if she could stay while the whole world situation was sorted out, and we agreed.

I slept in a little.  When I checked the ring I saw that two foxes trotted through at about midnight, so the flash I caught on the other video was probably not a raccoon or prey, but the other fox while they were chasing through.

I worked this afternoon and made some salsa.  Bex went down to pick up some groceries from Jess, as well as a package of yarn that arrived during the evacuation ups and downs that Jess has been holding in her garage for me.  Time for a new project.

I got into an emotional funk and am not sure why.  It was a combo of stress and anxiety and anger at everything.  I'm trying to be kind to myself and know I'll find my way.

The time change messes everything up but I'm hopeful that finally they'll find a way to stop this ridiculousness and just leave the time be.  

I got notifications a few times around 9:30 on the Ring and watched one of the foxes running around again.

I'm going to bed earlier than usual and hope to rest easy tonight and feel better tomorrow.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

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