Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tuesday - COVID162 and EVAC7

I felt better this morning.  No headache, though I am still having trouble sleeping.

I worked this morning.  It's hard to do sometimes when there is so much going on in my brain.

Tam and E and I took a drive this afternoon.  We went to the outskirts of Sebastopol, nearly to Forestville, to grab some fresh Gravenstein apples.  Tammy will do some baking and I'm hoping an inexpensive fruit press I ordered will allow us to easily make cider.  The remains from the press can be enjoyed by the pigs.  And then Tam and I started wondering about how to make that cider alcoholic.  Of course. 

We also received copies of an apple recipe cookbook from the woman who gifted us the Gravs.  Looking forward to making especially the apple cake.

We then headed out to Pepper Road north of Petaluma to hit a couple of cute fruit stands.  Across the road from one of them I was drawn to this cutie pie.  

We went to another farm stand that is across the road from an old craft barn that I used to visit 35 years ago.  They are closing the business and there were screaming deals if you wanted old timey crafts such as ceramics, decoupage, wood painting, macrame, doll making, plastic mesh cross stitch, and similar crafts.  Tam was able to find some things for her projects but I didn't buy anything. The few items I thought about getting can wait until I know I have a home to put them in.

We picked up Chipotle for lunch and dinner (servings are so big) and then I worked for a bit while Tam and E ran their own errands.

I worked a little and relaxed while Tam and E ran errands.  Tam and I watched a couple episodes of Yellowstone and crocheted before going to sleep.

Some people are returning to evacuation zones but not me yet.  There were still some hot spots near my home as I went to bed.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

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