Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Working Toward Positive

After this morning's low, I logged on to my office remotely and began to focus on problem-solving and collaboration with my fabulous colleagues.  After a phone conference yesterday morning, I was tearing up as I said I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else. We work so well together and one pulls where the others cannot.  We will have been working together in this iteration for seven years come March.  Maribel and I have worked with Carol at other times in other places.  Our team is strong.

I got some things squared away before remote access started lagging so badly it was worse than dial-up.  I started dinner.  Pork shoulder, onion, garlic, bay leaf, and fresh mint sprigs from the back yard are simmering for hours as I write this.  It smells delicious and will feed us many different types of meals.  I think the first will be soft tacos with homemade salsa.

I see that I am going to need more onions and garlic, which seems to be a theme at the grocery stores these days.

On that note, the onion I cut up was the most unique I have ever seen.  The bulb contained what looked like several smaller onions on top of each other, with a layer of brown dry skin in the center of the rings. I didn't think to get a photo, though I should have.

After setting the pot to simmer, I went to the keyboard to work on a project I've had going for a couple weeks.  It was recording ready with the hope that my partner in music can collaborate on something share-worthy.

More remote work and finishing off dinner - which was really, really good.  Tender shredded pork with farmer's market chorizo, homemade charred salsa, in warm soft corn/flour tortillas.  There is plenty left for tomorrow.

Rather than watch television or take in more bad news, I immersed myself in downloading music files and studying manuals to begin to learn how to record separate tracks and mix sound.  Time flew.  It was 12:30 a.m. when I looked at the clock.  My schedule is all out of whack.

We are well and hope you are too.

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