Sleep was good. I snoozed the alarm this morning.
It started to rain. AGAIN. I had uncovered the hay last night. I hate slogging through chores in the rain.
I made sourdough pretzels again. We enjoyed them so much yesterday, they're easy, and thee's plenty of starter every day.
I preheated the oven without looking into it, which is something I never do. Because who knows what might have been put in there that we forgot? Like leftovers from dinner last night? Luckily, the oven wasn't very hot and I smelled something before it became a problem. Brain fog has me doing things that I would normally never do.
I had a family law meeting this afternoon. Not a lot of information. And I felt exhausted from trying to work today.
At 4:00 pm I wanted a nap.
Bex made a good dinner tonight. I forgot to howl until five minutes after the time. Too late.
There were only three eggs left in the nest this evening. I heard something in the shed tonight, so applied more coyote pee to the shed area in the hopes of keeping the nest, mama, and babies safe.
It's been a rather low day with a couple of good moments. Time to get some rest and look forward to a better day tomorrow.
We are well. I hope you are too.
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