No Saturday in the park, but we're lucky to practically live in one. I do miss the ability to safely ride my bike but am grateful for mostly quiet and calm. The most annoying noises are jets flying over, of which there are none now, and the neighbors shooting firearms perhaps twice a year. Hearing a siren is unusual and always cause for alarm because it's so rare.
Sleep was better last night. Thank goodness.
I lost time today and barely did what I had intended to. I was unfocused and low and just needed some mindless rest. I did do some work. I did work on masks. I am finally figuring out the binding and ties. That has been the biggest struggle.
Sourdough crackers were a bust again. Reviews on the web site with the recipe show others succeeding and many having the same problem I am. I have some ideas to try next time. It doesn't take long so I can try again.
One highlight today was when Bex came back from a trip to the gate to pick up seedlings left by Tammy (yay!), she asked if I wanted to drive down with her to look at some plants. We stopped along the way and took pictures and samples. I swear we smell oregano in one patch but cannot find the plant. Everything there was different. It may be snuggled underneath what we were looking at.
I howled in the rain tonight. It felt good, though there was no echo.
I read a little and watched part of a show and tried sewing but when the bobbin ran out in the middle of a long tie without me knowing it and the whole piece fell apart when I took it off the machine, I just turned it off and cried for a little bit. I don't know why I am so low energy today but I do know it will pass.
We are well and hoping for a sunny day tomorrow. I hope you are well too.
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