Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday - Day 56

I slept well again and woke up with the alarm.

My right hand is really bugging me.  Not only have I had two injuries, one still healing, and the annoying bump, but for the last two weeks I've experienced itching in the web between my thumb and forefinger.  Now there's a lesion there (from scratching maybe?) and it's crazy itchy.  Plus I found another cut on my thumb of unknown origin.  Because the lead line often runs through my hand at this location, I am wondering if there's plant matter on it that is causing the irritation.  So now I'm going to start gloving up when I move the goats.

It's raining today.  Right after I purchased some small cooling devices for the house after last week's heat wave.  The good news is this will help soak the ground for wildfire prevention.  The bad news is this will create a growth spurt for all that vegetation.  Weed whacker will come out again after it's dry.  There's still a lot to mow down.

I fed the sourdough starter and began the process of making cinnamon rolls.  I had the big idea that I'd also make sourdough popovers but I was not sure I had the gumption to do both so put that off.

Mail was good.  While Bex and Q were on their way to the post office to pick up the package that was mysteriously "held at post office at customer request," it was delivered.  I was able to call and get them out of the line at the post office. 

Also in the mail were these beautiful earrings from Yellow Door Merchants!  Remember the folks who made that cute clean/dirty magnet for my dishwasher?  This was sent simply because they felt bad I'd had to deal with post office misdirection.  I love them and plan to wear them - and share with Bex because they're just her style too. 

I've mentioned before you should check out their Etsy shop.  (Link in the words there.)  I mean it.  They also have a Facebook page with even more examples of their work.  Ya gotta check 'em out.

One of my deliveries today contained a free mask.

The sourdough cinnamon rolls turned out really good!  In hindsight I they could have been sweeter, but dang - that sourdough baked loveliness really can hold its own without the cinnamon and sugar.  I think I'll try popovers tomorrow.  Or maybe pizza crust.

A quiet evening and earlier bedtime.

We are well.  I hope you are too.

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