Work this morning. Then waiting for the appliance repairman to fix the washing machine that quit spinning a while ago. I had a temporary fix, then when I decided to repair it myself, it broke when I unscrewed the old part. So it became time to get a professional on board. Thankfully, the laundry room is at an outside door and we are all prepared to stay distant and disinfect.
After reading a funny story about Amish Friendship Bread, I got to thinking that sourdough starter could be the perfect pet (when not in a pandemic in which flour is in short supply). It doesn't make noise or a big mess, doesn't shed, and only requires water and flour as food.
The repairman showed up a half hour past the window I was given with no communication about delay, and was friendly enough. When he took apart the machine while I was talking with him, suddenly I realized I was kind of trapped. There was a door to my back so I could have left and gone in through the front of the house, but I had no shoes. And suddenly all I could think about was that I needed to fart. 🤣🤣🤣 I maintained control of course. And the washer is now fixed and given the seal of approval to keep. He said the newer machines might be fancier, but they're not as well made or ultimately as smart as these old machines. I later researched the serial number to see when it was made. 1992.
Want to know one good thing about standing in your laundry room, looking at all the stuff you've stored on the shelving above your head? You find the bright red emergency go bag that you were searching for to use for wildfire evacuation 7 months ago. In the most logical place possible, and in none of the places you had previously looked all over the house. I'll remember where it is now.
Today Lily got out for the second day in a row. This time when I stepped out to see what was causing the dog to bark, this is what I saw.
Feed Me Please!
She knows where to find food. I'm grateful she didn't help herself to the unopened bag of goat feed sitting nearby.
When she got out yesterday, the rest of the crew got very upset, and Salsa and Moonshine jumped the fence (and broke a fence post), leaving poor Luna behind and leading me on a merry chase.
I'm pooped tonight. It's felt like a disjointed day, moving from task to required task. Hoping for more smooth sailing tomorrow.
We are well. I hope you are too.
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