Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wednesday - Day 51

Another good night's sleep and waking a half hour before the alarm.

I was windy again this morning and Pulse Point still showed the fire as active, but I had no notifications or e-mails when I woke up.  I had to assume everything was okay and trust the judgment of the fire chief last night that he didn't expect any evacuations.  Late in the day I saw a newspaper article about it that claimed it had been put out by 6pm yesterday.

I checked some emails, did chores, then started some watermeloncello.  This photo shows the limoncello already started (ready to finish on Mother's Day) and watermeloncello.  There's vanilla extract working in the background. 

Thankfully, I have bought vodka from two different stores so neither knows how much I've used the last couple of months!  I found it really funny when Bex brought home the last bottle for me and also unpacked orange juice from the same grocery run.

This afternoon I peeked into the nesting box and saw two brown eggs.  As I reached in and grabbed one, Yellow (the rooster) ran up the ramp and bit me, drawing blood.  When I jerked my hand up, I lifted his head into the ceiling and he ran off temporarily.  There was another egg in there.  Every time I started to open the nesting box, he would head that direction, so I found a way to block his access so I could safely get the other egg.  Then I spent a half hour making sure that the wound is thoroughly cleaned.  I know he's protecting his flock, but dammit.

Gloves, or block doorway, from now on.

The good news is that the cut from the lead line healed so quickly I could hardly believe it had been there.  I have a hard time finding the tiny scar.  Hopefully this will do the same.

I was pretty bummed the rest of the day.  I'm not sure why but everything seemed off or to go wrong.  I discovered one of the fabrics I bought for the masks is not the right type - it has too much stretch to it so I know it is not all cotton.  Then I cut out 10 masks but the pattern on the fabric has been cut so it is in the wrong direction.  So I'm trying to figure out how to make it work. 

But the moon was gorgeous when I went out.

And when I heard other people howl nearby, that made me smile.

I hung out with Bex for a bit tonight and am tired early again.

We are well and coping.  I hope you are too.

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