Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wednesday - Day 44

I try to open the next day's blog post and label it so I can more easily remember what day it is when I get back to the computer in the morning.

I slept really well last night, and woke a little later than usual.

After going outside for a little bit this morning, this is where Oliver planted himself.

After Becca let him into her room, he made himself comfortable.

I headed down to pick up fabric for Joann's but they only had one out of the four I had ordered.  It is a mystery to me how I can order something, have it confirmed in stock, then have it not show up.  They were my favorite patterns and I suspect some back door/in house dealing.  But that could just be me feeling tired and cranky about this whole situation.

I was able to stop by the farmer's market at the LBC on my way home.  I wanted to pick up something from the "bacon guy" but he wasn't there today.  I did get some more tea and some citrus.  I was able to drop off some tangerines and a grapefruit/navel orange hybrid fruit to Jon on my way home.  I am now wishing I'd picked up more honey but can do that next time.

I spent most of the day working, with a Zoom meeting in the afternoon that pretty much laid out a lot more work to do.  I'm grateful for the work but am missing time that I would prefer to spend on making masks, creating music, cooking, etc.

Becca found a new friend this afternoon.

Other than the one egg from the Americauna earlier this week, I've gotten no more green eggs.  It's a mystery.

Lily continues to escape in the late afternoon.  I set up the camera but I think it was too far away to capture her escape route.  I continue to look for a better - and safe - location.

I was in bed when I realized I forgot to hit send.

We are well.  I hope you are too.

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