Thursday, April 16, 2020

Wednesday - Day 30

I woke up to notifications that my fabric order is ready.  Whew!

My Amazon order of batteries has been delayed, so we ordered online for pick-up from Lowe's.  Bex grabbed both of those today and some lunch from Amy's. 

My insurance payments are higher because I deferred payment due to wildfire evacuation and that is tough this month.  I called today and confirmed that USAA is providing a credit that will help me on the next bill.  I am so tired of the worry.  I have still not received any unemployment payments and my first two weeks of certification are sitting there "pending."

I have a buffer but it is getting lower and that caused panic this morning when I saw the insurance payment had been taken out.

No stimulus check and who knows when that will arrive.  When Bex checked on hers, the site told her they don't know if she's eligible yet.  This is probably because her 2019 tax return was submitted relatively recently.

The Marin County Fair is canceled this year.  It feels like everything is being canceled.  This is why I can't see past tomorrow.  Nothing is certain at all.

Bex called me while I was on the phone with my boss this afternoon.  I couldn't answer and was planning to call her back, but then she pulled up to the house in a hurry.  She was excited to tell me there was a bobcat on the hill near the barn.  After I finished my call, we took a walk and drive to deliver some wolf urine in strategic spots to discourage the big cats from coming near.  Everything is so overgrown and out of control it's ridiculous.  We decided to set the perimeter right away 'cause I was thinking about leaving the bottle of pee in my car for next time I drove down to get the mail.  Then we had a horrible hysterically funny/tragic/awful vision of the bottle overheating in the car and exploding rank smelling pee all over the car.  I told Bex if that had happened, I would sell it to the first dismantler who would take it.

Here is some video Bex was able to capture.  Magnificent creature.  I love them so long as they maintain their distance.

Music is entitled Gently, Onwards by ELPHNT.

On our walk to the end of the driveway, we spotted this little guy.  While Bex was recording, I was enjoying watching the hummingbirds and butterflies that are filling the bottle brush bushes, and listening to their tiny chirps, like sound of tiny drops of rain pattering on a tin roof.

Music is Bird Therapist by Craig MacArthur.

Lily stayed inside the pen today.  I don't know if she smelled the bobcat or the wolf pee we sprayed around.  It's pretty pungent in spots out there.

I washed fabric tonight so I can begin cutting for more masks tomorrow.  Everything is triple washed and dried at high heat to preshrink and disinfect.

I had some leftover quinoa salad for dinner and a little bit of the from-scratch mac and cheese Bex made.  When I settled in to watch a little TV before bed, she was making chocolate chip cookies.  She has become quite the cook and a very good one at that.

As hard as the morning started out and with as much as has happened today, I am feeling calmer and at peace tonight.

We are well and safe.  I hope you are too.

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