Saturday, April 11, 2020

Friday Never Feels Like Friday

I woke and immediately set to work on a work emergency remotely.  I had a plan for the day - set a schedule for myself for the first time in a month.  It mostly worked.

I worked remotely, then ate a snack and took a break.

Then a little transcription.

Then late breakfast/lunch cooked by Bex.  She is getting to be a really good cook!

Then mask making.  I finished another amid constant interruptions.

I got a shower.  I am not taking care of myself as well as I should, so this felt good.  Maybe I am getting back on track?

While I was setting up the barn, I saw this sight - the cows always move in the evening.

Music is Campfire Song by Chris Haugen

The cows aren't loud enough to be picked up by the phone video, but I can hear them walking.  Sometimes I can hear them chewing!

Dinner was made by Bex while I worked on computer networking issues.  A reprise of Alfredo broccoli pasta with pesto bread sticks and we caught up on another recorded episode of Idol.

I can't believe it's 1:00 a.m.  I don't feel tired at all but will head to bed soon.

We are still well and trying to figure out the new normal.  There were a couple of moments today that I felt calm and peaceful and happy and forgot about the craziness out there.  I hope you are all well.

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