Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tuesday - Day 43

I slept a little better last night.  It took a while to get to sleep, but when I did it was deep and until the sun woke me.  I woke with a tiny headache that went away within a half hour on its own.

I forgot to mention that after I set the camera yesterday (which saved nothing to the microdisk), Lily found it and knocked it off where I had placed it.  It's like she made a beeline for the new thing she noticed and wanted to know if it was edible.

It was hot hot hot this morning.  At 8am while getting the goats out of the barn, I was sweating. I was going to do some weed whacking in the "cool" of the morning.  That didn't happen this morning.

I went back and forth between jobs and odd things to do around the house.  My attention span is seriously short.  I have a hard time staying focused on most things more than about 20 minutes.  Then I switch gears.  This includes television programs.  I think I paused the latest episode of Outlander three times before I finished it.  It's not that I don't like the show.  I do.  I just can't stay in one place for long.

This little guy showed up on my windshield on my way back from the mailbox this afternoon.

When it finally cooled down a little, I spent a half hour clearing weeds near the barn and cleared a path to the propane tank so I could check the level.  Tick check, of course.

The class I took on Sunday helped me notice medicinal plants as I was clearing "weeds."  I gathered some milky oats and a sticky vine called a cleaver.  It sticks like crazy to everything, and I've been tripped by it plenty around the farm.  I gathered a little bit of both plants while I was whacking down tall grass and thistle and the ever encroaching blackberry.

I don't know when Lily got out, but she was eating outside the pen when I left the house to put them into the barn.  She followed me to the barn and then came to me after I got everything set up.

Jessi and Cory brought my frozen/refrigerated groceries that I didn't pick up yesterday.  It was nice to talk with them - at a distance and with our masks - for a while outside.  I miss them.  It's hard not to hug them.

Oliver stayed out past his curfew tonight, so I went hunting for him in the dark.  I found him by Loretta (Becca's Corvair project for those not familiar with her) and he tried to walk away from me.  I think he didn't like the flashlight in his eyes.  I turned it to the ground and he stayed put so I could pick him up.

I tried a new sandwich recipe.  It has potential but needs something more I think.  A combo of canned chicken breast, mayo, chopped apple, and shredded cheese, made into a grilled sandwich.  I think it needs more seasoning.

I found out today the courts will be closed until June.  At least.  The county fair was canceled.  That was schedule for August.  I have a hard time wrapping my brain around these extended cancellations and closures.  All I can really look at is today and tomorrow, so I will narrow my focus again.

No television tonight.  I can't concentrate.  So I will get to bed by midnight and hope for better sleep.

We are well.  I hope you are too.

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