Monday, May 24, 2021

Sunday - COVIDsomething

The post below was written yesterday but it's as good a point as ever to start writing on the blog again.  I mysteriously got pneumonia out of the blue last month and it's been a long haul to recovery.  Because I don't go anywhere, get curbside pick-up of everything, and disinfect groceries at home, we have no idea how I got sick.  I'm not near normal yet but am feeling a little better every day.  If I feel up to counting the days, I'll start posting my self-quarantine numbers again.  But not tonight.  And I'm not sure I'll post here every day, but might.


I had several errands on my list that have been put off for a month while I've been sick. I gathered the things I needed, and headed out. I dropped a return at FedEx, stopped by the feed store for curbside pickup of my chicken feed, then headed to Ace in Windsor to see if I could brainstorm with someone there a solution to the problem I've been having with the seat on the pottery wheel. I found someone SUPER helpful, and we had a bit of fun figuring out what would work. I was going to head north on Old Red and hit the post office and Goodwill to drop off donations, then Safeway to pick up curbside groceries.
But I got to my car and my stomach dropped hearing fire engine sirens, and then they started flying by going northbound. At about that time, my PulsePoint notification went off for vegetation fire on my planned route home. I called Jess to let her know and see if she needed help prepping while I was headed toward her house. She already had a plan in place. In the rearview I saw smoke, and used the roundabout to turn around so I could safely take the video below. I sent it to Bex so she would know what was going on, and turned south again so I could get to the freeway. (It was much later that I noticed the near accident that had occurred while I was recording the smoke!)
Bex called me and we talked as I got onto 101 North. And I started rethinking my plan. I knew the fire was to the west of 101 and close to it. I decided to drop off the freeway and take Los Amigos to stay as far away from it as possible. I kept Bex on the phone to talk me through and I almost turned around as I got closer to the smoke flying across the freeway and road because several cars were doing so. But the route was clear, and I saw CalFire vehicles stationed along the road, so I decided to proceed. There were at least a dozen civilian vehicles parked at the side of the road with people standing outside watching the fire. The fire had burned to the edge of the freeway and I could see the lights of a fire engine there through the smoke. CHP was on the northbound side of 101 stopping traffic, which was snarled as far as the eye could see. My hands were shaking as I drove through the smoke and got to the other side and started heading north on Old Red again.
I decided the rest of my errands could wait except for picking up the groceries, because fire is unpredictable and I needed to be home just in case things went sideways. Bex and I had ended our call but I still needed comfort, so I called Tammy and she kept me going until I got to the grocery store. After I picked up the food, I kept glancing over toward Windsor as I traveled south on Westside. I saw a helicopter with bucket headed toward the smoke, which I was relieved to see was now white and dissipating.
I confirmed once I got home that the fire is contained and they are mopping up. I'm at once grateful to the firefighters for their speedy action and containment and angry as hell at whoever started this.
I took some time to rest up a bit and review checklists. The go bags and absolutely necessary items have been staged next to the door for weeks now. I am once again living out of a duffle bag.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday - COVID402

Another work day, plenty to do and it feels like not enough time to do it.

Bex reminded me tonight that a year ago, there was an ambulance in our driveway because I thought I was allergic to weed.  What a year it's been.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday - COVID401

 It was definitely Monday all day.  Not much to write about today - did not get much accomplished other than what was absolutely necessary.  

One highlight was receiving the spices I ordered so we can refill the spice jars.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday - COVID400

When I went to bed last night, my legs and the tops of my feet started cramping.  Magnesium oil helped me finally get to sleep.

I set an alarm so I wouldn't sleep the morning away and had a hard time getting up because my hands, feet, legs, and back all hurt.  I finally got up when Oliver laid on top of me and then got off and started meowing in my ear.  I started some coffee and took some Ibuprofen with my vitamins, drinking plenty of water.

Chores were slow.

After a couple cups of coffee, I tried to do some video training but was too tired, so I sat down with crocheting and promptly took a nap.  For three hours.

I went out later to pick up groceries from Jess and was able to talk with Mom and Dad on the drive home.

I was wide awake but think I can get to sleep now. 

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Saturday - COVID399

It was a very good, very long day.

I overslept, which was bad, but I recovered.  Got chores done, got dressed (!), ordered Starbucks in the car for Tamily and myself, picked up in Healdsburg, and brought it to Tamily in Cotati then helped them set up their booth for the craft fair.  

Met Jess at Park n Ride to travel with her to Mandi's new house for painting the kids' rooms.  We started with lunch, and then got busy.  I ended up washing the inside of the cupboards I could reach (no stepstool to sit on for the lower shelves) because they hadn't been cleaned by the previous owner before they vacated.

I got to talk to Mom when she called to tell me about a great drive they took today.

I was having back and leg pain after working in the kitchen, and so I took some Ibuprofen and meditated in Mandi's car for a while, enjoying listening to the sounds of their new neighborhood.  Very few cars passed, I heard faint voices, doves cooing, birds tweeting, and an occasional bark.  It's so peaceful in their new neighborhood.

The house is cute and I'm so happy for them.  

Jess and I headed back late, and I decided to pick up Amy's for dinner before heading home, but nope - line too long.  In N Out had the typical long line.  I tried Jack in the Box in SR, but too long.  I ended up at Windsor McDonald's and was pleasantly surprised to have Lorna passing me my food.

I'm pretty tired but happy.  It was a good day.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Thursday/Friday - COVID397 and 398

Thursday was another blur of work.  I fell asleep on the couch again and was too tired to update the blog before bed.

I did get to make a trip out to the feed store and decided to take Bella with me for the drive.  She continues to gain confidence and enjoys being near me.  When the runner put the bag of feed in the back of the car and saw Bella looking at him from the front seat, he exclaimed that he would have brought a treat for her if he'd know she was there.

Her new bed was delivered earlier this week.  I've noticed that she has been flipping her beds over and creating a type of hammock, so I thought she might like a raised bed that will be cooler on warm days.  Of course, I forgot that she is still a timid little thing and she would have nothing to do with it.  I put a blanket and her favorite toy on it, no go.  I placed treats on it (she is such a chow hound) to encourage her to get onto it, but she can reach the furthest treat by putting her front feet on the bed but does not need to climb up to get it.  Thursday I put her soft bed on top of the platform, and she promptly pulled it off.

Today I tried holding the treat to encourage her to get all four paws onto the platform.  She would not do it herself, so I picked her up and gently put her down on it, giving her a couple of treats while praising her.  She gets off as soon as she can.

Today was a very intense work day, including a long Zoom meeting as we all work through details and create plans and stay on top of some intense client work.  I ended the day with a client phone call and was happy to stop for the weekend.

Dinner just for me as Bex and Q were out, and then I caught myself starting to doze on the couch and am heading to bed instead of enjoying the warmth of the afghan I'm working on.

Tomorrow's a busy day but one I'm looking forward to.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Wednesday - COVID396

I got up with the alarm today and got an early start.

It was a busy day again but mostly productive.  I did some weed whacking during a lunch break.

Looking forward to the weekend already!

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Monday/Tuesday - COVID394/395

It was a Monday.  And there was really nothing remarkable about the day except being focused on work for hours and hours when all I need is to be able to stop that for a while.  But I don't because money is the way this frigging world works.  Or at least I think it is.  I haven't figured out another sustainable, healthy way.

So I was tired and decided to just go to bed at the end of that long day.  

Today was another work day.  The good thing is that I had a breather at the end of it.  I got the office hours in and then finished a transcription project for the time being.  I took a real lunch break today and had something to eat and went out to tend to the garden.  After my boss explained to me how to prune my lemon tree properly, and with the extra care to the soil I've been giving it to help it recover some neglectful years, it is looking great now.  There are tons of blossoms and buds on it and I am hopeful that they will stick and produce lemons.  I admire the garden plots and the new blueberry bush and am planning the seeds that I am going to plant and put into the greenhouse to fill the rest of the pots that are waiting for more good produce to begin.

I want to really try to grow luffa this year.  I've got the seeds.  Just plant 'em.

After work while there was still light in the cooling evening after the goats and chickens were tucked in, I sat down and looked at the wobbly chair on the pottery wheel.  I found the right tools, and enjoyed every moment of slowly removing each screw with a manual wrench - no socket, no electronics.  It was quiet and smelled good outside.  I got the chair off and think I can figure out how to make it work now.  Or fix up the board that was underneath it - possibly the original seat that had been wrecked a little to mount the other.  I took a look online to see what a replacement seat would cost.  Um, no.  It's crazy.

I crocheted and caught up on a couple of TV shows.  And it's late but I'm not tired and yet I know getting into bed will feel so good when I get there.

Here's hoping for a good rest of the week in these uncertain times.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Sunday - COVID393

Up a little later today but not too bad.  I had things I wanted to do before Tammy arrived and I wasn't sure how early we would be able to start.

I got some transcription done but it was slow going because the house was cold, which means cold clumsy hands.

Coffee helped.

Tam come up and we headed out to Sebastopol to pick up my blueberry bush.  It was a great drive.  After putting it in the back of my car, we stopped by Harmony to get some potting soil for it.  We drove out to a cute house that was recently listed for sale, but then turned around before we got to it.  The further we went, the more we realized that not matter how cute it is, no matter what a good price it is, it is not wildfire safe.  Neither of us could imagine living that far out on a dead-end one-way street.

We took a break to eat lunch at home then got the blueberry bush and potting soil out of the car and onto the dolly for its trip to the back yard.  We tipped over a wine barrel I've kept filled with water to keep it from falling apart, cleaned it out, put it on a rolling stand, and filled it halfway with soil.  We maneuvered the bush into place, cut away the plastic around the roots, and filled in the rest of the soil, then gave it a good watering.

It was a lot of work so we took some time to relax and visit before Tam needed to head home.  I love spending time with her.

I worked a little more and then headed out to pick up groceries from Jess and visit for a while in her beautiful back yard.

Bex cooked dinner and I dozed a little while we watched a show.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Saturday - COVID392

 I was up with my weekend alarm.  I had transcription to do today and wanted to finish - got halfway.

I did a little yardwork and some house projects.

Late in the day, Bex helped me get the garden beds planted.

The half barrel that is holding water is hopefully going to contain a blueberry bush I'll be picking up with Tam tomorrow.  

Pizza for dinner but it gave me a stomachache.

Other than that, we're staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Friday - COVID391

I was so tired last night that I walked straight past the computer and went to bed without updating the blog.

Up on time, and very intense and sometimes emotional work day.  We will all be very focused for a while as we move into a really big transition.  There's no way to get a handle on when that transition will be final, so I am focusing on what's in front of me right now and being as effective and efficient as possible while I wait for the ground to settle a little under my feet so I can figure out which way to go next.

I realized last night that I have finally conquered the mouse issue that arose when we were evacuated for a month last year.  No sounds, no sightings, no evidence left behind.

It wasn't the containers for all of my bagged food, though I know that helped and I will always use them in the future.  I love how organized my cupboards are.

It wasn't the bags of peppermint and cinnamon that I purchased from a website guaranteeing that this would take care of the problem.

It wasn't the plug-ins that I put all over the house, nor the battery-operated device that vibrated and flashed strobe lights and emitted a sound that I couldn't hear intermittently.

It wasn't the diffusers that I had going 24/7 in three different rooms.

It wasn't my diligent application every day of peppermint and cinnamon oil to bits of paper towel in every cupboard and drawer, though I did see some reduction.

It was the unopened bars of Irish Spring - which is so fragrant that the scent is still strong in the box - that I placed in cupboards.  I realized last night that after I did that, there was absolutely no more evidence of mice, and it even took care of a lingering issue I've had with tiny bugs that would show up from time to time.

Easy, not annoying, inexpensive.  

I still nab an occasional mouse outside near the water heater, but that I can handle.

I went through my yarn and crochet mess next to the couch last night and reorganized everything.  

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thursday - COVID390

I slept a little later, but the sun is up earlier and earlier, beaming into my eyes either from the window or reflected in the mirror.

I got to work right away.  We have not only lots of client work to do and tight deadlines, but some changes coming that I'll know more about tomorrow.

After I lost track of time and didn't stop office work until nearly 6pm, I ate the last of my leftover chili and finished a transcription report project.  There's another one waiting but my butt is numb from too much sitting today.

I did get some weed whacking done but did not set my one-hour timer so I got up as often as I should have.

I'm looking forward to the weekend and hope tomorrow brings some clarity.  Lots to do!

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday - COVID389

Busy busy day, starting soon as I was up.  Work is picking up, which is good but challenging.

I went to the feed store this afternoon.  While sitting in traffic (I have not missed that and am disappointed seeing so many people out now) I noticed an automotive shop with a 60's era Mustang in one of the bays.  The phone number of the shop was posted, so while I sat at the light, I called to see if this was a normal part of their business.  It is.  Bex and I have some ideas for how to get Loretta running again, but this shop can handle a classic car, so it could be an option in the future.

I stopped by the vet to pick up flea meds for Bella.  While I waited in my car, I saw a woman holding a big bundle of fuzz, clearly a puppy but a BIG puppy.  It was a St. Bernard and just laid back in her arms on its back like a big furry baby.  I overheard her telling someone it is 17 weeks old and 20 pounds!

More work in the afternoon.  

I wanted to work on the garden some more but that will need to wait.  I did get a little more weed whacking done.  There are two batteries charged up and ready to go tonight, so there will be more I can do tomorrow.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Tuesday - COVID388

Another busy and focused work day.  It feels this week like there are not enough hours and not enough energy to keep up.  I know this will pass.

I'm trying to remember to set my timer to take hourly breaks.  I remembered a few times today and was able to get more weed whacking done, a little clean-up of old spots and then moving to the driveway area.

One thing that bugs me is the Americaunas are still not laying.  I've incorporated red pepper flakes as recommended for the last several days, and nothing has changed.  The coyotes aren't around - at least I don't see evidence or video - and the foxes are even rare.

I'm ready to get to bed a little earlier tonight.  I'm hoping tomorrow is a little more relaxed.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday - COVID387

It's been a long, busy, disjointed, somewhat discombobulating day.  I feel like I got plenty done, including finishing weed whacking around the raised beds and weeding out one of them, but nothing significant.

At about 10:30 pm, I realized I'd forgotten to put the trash cans out, so I roped Bex into a drive down to the street so I didn't have to do it alone - and then saw that my neighbor had taken care of it for me.  I typically put them out when I get the mail, but I forgot to do that even.

Time for sleep.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday - COVID386

I was up a little late and it was a nice and mild cool morning.  The animals had no complaints and I enjoyed walking to the barn without needing to make my way through a narrow path with high weeds on either side.

I picked some mint plants and put those together with carnations and eggs for Tammy.  I grabbed some gas on my way out of town and stopped by Tammy's to deliver plants and eggs and pick up some of her eggs.  I feed soy-free crumble to my chickens and the farm where she volunteers does not (yet?), so we trade.

It was a nice drive down to Novato, roads relatively clear and the weather perfect.  I took my time driving through downtown, remembering the original stores and restaurants that used to be there, noticing those that have been in the same place since the early 70s and before.

I got to see what Dad has done to his bike and admire the new step side on the truck, then got to visit with Mom and Dad through the window using phones.  It was really nice to see their faces and be able to talk.  Now that I have the bathroom situation handled, I plan to go down on a regular basis.  I miss our weekly dinners.

On the way back, I took back roads and ended up going through Petaluma.  I was sad to see a tent city had sprung up near the old Pomeroy plant, though glad that they had a relatively safe place to stay.  This is a symptom of uncontrolled predatory capitalism and we need to figure out a way for all of us to live better and have safety nets that prevent this type of tragedy.  Too many of us have forgotten the value in community and taking care of those who need it so they can participate too.

Mandi and the kids came up this afternoon, and I headed back out to bring some things I'd set aside for them while decluttering - some games and videos and crafts.  I was also able to give Mandi and Sis their late birthday presents and see AJ doing his best to stay as still as he can.  I quietly gave him some hard candy (with his mom's knowledge), sharing a little of what Mom and Dad had given me earlier.

It was a long day with more driving and outside time, so I'm headed to bed before 11.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Saturday - COVID385

I slept a little later and then kept Oliver in because he had a vet appointment this morning.  Of course, he appeared healthy and normal as usual - none of the funny coughing he was doing last night.  I kept the appointment to be sure there was nothing wrong.

I closed my bedroom door, as he was snoozing in there.  As soon as I got the carrier out of my closet, he got up and walked to the door.  Oops - can't leave.  He doesn't fight hard getting into the carrier, though he does not make it easy.  Soon as the door was closed, he started to complain, which he continued throughout our drive.

He's fine.  I collected his vomit from last night so the vet could see it (and I had been able to send a video of his cough the night before).  It appears that he just got some grass stuck in his throat or something that went down irritated his throat.  He's healthy.

I stopped by Home Depot for curbside of a couple things I ordered online while waiting at the vet's office, then stopped by the library, then home.  I got some weed whacking done in the back yard and worked on more transcription.

Late afternoon, I headed back to Jessi's to get a few more groceries from a mini order we made.  I got a chance to visit for a little bit.  Then back home for dinner and relax, then work again.  I was able to clear the garden area of weeds around the raised beds.  Next will be pulling weeds from the beds and preparing to plant.  I'll need to start some seeds in the greenhouse and will probably put the seedlings in there until after the 15th when the frost danger is supposed to be cleared.  I have a couple of onions that sprouted, so I'll separate those and get them in the ground.  I'll also plant the carnations in their designated planter.  

I'll be visiting Mom and Dad tomorrow for Easter, and plan to stop by Tammy's on the way back to exchange eggs (my soy-free for her soy-fed) and drop off her carnations and maybe some mint if I didn't weed whack it all this afternoon.  There is a pot with mint, though I'm not sure how much is there right now.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday - COVID384

At this hour I can't remember much about today.  It was a work day.

Oliver is not feeling well, so I scheduled an appointment for him to go to the vet tomorrow morning.  I'm hoping he feels better by morning.

I did get to the gate today!

I may let the goats munch in the old garden area.  I'll need to stay with them so they are safely supervised.  This is a wild area now that I am reclaiming.

I'll work on the weeds in the back next and keep up maintenance on what I've cleared already.  Everything grows back quickly and I've already had to spot cut a few areas this week.

Falafels for dinner tonight and a nice chat with my dad.  I'll see them on Easter Sunday for a window visit.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thursday - COVID383

I was up on time with the alarm this morning, which was a good thing.  I almost did chores right away but put them off for a cup of coffee first.  I should have done chores right away.

I got an early call from the dentist's office in response to the voice mail I'd left last night about the lost filling.  They could get me in.  In a half hour.  I said I wasn't sure I could make it, and was given 45 minutes.  So I booked it to get chores done and ready to go.  I made it in 35 minutes.

The bad news is that the tooth needs a root canal and cannot be refilled.  I have no insurance left for the year and not enough CareCredit to cover it.  I was denied a requested credit limit increase.  But I'm close to being able to do it, so will work toward getting that done as soon as possible.  I don't want to put this off the way I used to.

Jess ordered groceries for us this morning and they were delivered this afternoon, so after work I headed down to pick them up from her house.  Driving through town, I slowed for a man crossing the street ahead of me.  To my delight, he rushed to his truck, kissed his dog on top of the head that was waiting for him in the back, and opened the driver's door to get in.

It was nice to see Jess for a little bit.  

It was a quiet evening and I'm going to bed a little later than planned.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday - COVID382

Up on time, and sent a message to Mandi for her birthday.  I wish I could have seen her, but I hope to be able to deliver her gift in person over the next few weeks.

I worked as much as I could before my dentist appointment.  The new crown was installed, after some off-and-on because it was so tight, and adjustments to make it fit.  It was relatively quick, no Novocaine.

I dropped off the returns to Amazon of the batteries and charger that didn't work at the UPS store, then headed home.

I worked as much as I could in the afternoon to make up the time.

After work, I put in another good half hour on the weed whacker.  There are a lot of dense areas with fleshy plants that are harder to cut and that spew wet green all over.  These are new this year and I wonder how much of the new growth I'm seeing is from the high winds flinging debris from the fire last year.  The grassy areas are much easier to cut.

And then during dinner I lost one, maybe two, fillings near the new crown.  I am so frustrated and disappointed.  I left a message for the dentist to call me tomorrow.  

To bed earlier I hope.  I'm pretty tired after today, and it's rather warm tonight.  I think the first night in a long time that I won't turn on the space heater before going to bed.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tuesday - COVID381

Up a little late again, but not too bad.  I had a hard time getting to sleep last night.

I worked and transcribed and was able to mostly maintain my new routine of taking brief breaks to move and do something.  I am starting to see significant progress in getting the tall grass down.  Once I get this section to the gate, I'll get the back yard in shape so we can plant the garden.  

I made a trip to the feed store and stopped at the nursery to pick up some mini carnation plants.  When I cleared the planter where I used to keep them, I decided I wanted to plant them again.  Of course, while I was there I saw basil ... and tomatoes ... and cilantro ... and cucumber...  I want to plant earlier this year than I have in the past.  I also have some luffa seeds I want to try.

I'm up a little later than planned but not as late as I have been.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday - COVID380

I was up a little late today but not too much so.  I hit the ground running with work and then transcription.

I am continuing my new routine of taking a break every hour to at least stand and walk a little, and sometimes take on a project for 10 to 15 minutes.  I got some more weed whacking done today and the new battery - that fits - charged fast and lasted longer.  It's an odd one and I am guessing it's a difference between Lithium and NiCad.  It doesn't slow down, it just stops.  Which is fine.

I also reorganized my closet and added shelving and got the extra comforters and pillows into vacuum storage bags for space conservation.  I noticed tonight that a couple of them puffed up again, so I'll redo them tomorrow and make sure they are sealed better.

Leftover soup for dinner is always good and easy.

It was a day full of exertion and I'm pretty pooped, though it took a while to get there.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday - COVID379

I snoozed and then killed the alarm until Oliver's insistent jumping onto my body and running over the top of my head and meowing finally got me up.  As soon as I was vertical and sitting on the side of the bed, Bella started barking.  The animals were peeved.

I fed them all and released and fed the outdoor critters before my first cup of coffee because that's the right thing to do when they wait that long.

Then I started transcription and set a timer so I remembered to get up and move and to work on one project at least every hour.

The new batteries I bought were all charged up but ... they don't fit the weed whacker.  I set up a return and ordered the right kind.  Apparently there are some with three prongs and some with two, both designated with the same part number.  Geez.  I got a little bit of the grass down but not much, and now it's growing fast and is harder to cut.

I made tortellini soup for dinner, which I haven't had for quite a while, and it was good.  Bex keeps baking and I am trying to stay away from the chocolate chip cookies.  One a day could be okay but I keep grabbing one as a snack and need to get them out of sight.

I did a little bit more reorganization today but it was a little scattered because I still have a lot of transcription to do.

The foxes showed up this evening.  I had to laugh at the second in this video because it left its mark just before running off.

I'm awake but need to try to sleep so I'm rested for the week.  I need a vacation.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday - 378

Up with the sun and not too late.  I started with transcription and alternated housework and weed whacking throughout the day.

I headed out about 3pm to meet up with Tamily at the farm in Cotati.  I got to see the new enclosure for the chicks they have been raising in their living room for the past several weeks and admire all that they have accomplished and are working on at the farm.  It's changed a lot since I first saw it during my Kincade evacuation in 2019 along with the planned power outage that had me hanging out at the city building charging station.  We were invited to walk across the street for a much needed stress break and visit the animals.

It was nice being out in the sunshine with good friends and good animals.  I left after about an hour and a half and stopped to pick up dinner for myself from Smokin' Bowls before picking up my grocery order on the way home.

I was pretty pooped out and a little achy after walking more than usual, but that's a good thing.

I couldn't get the small bag of cat food I normally buy a couple weeks ago, and needed to order a humongous bag.  I really didn't have a good place for it until I realized I could use a galvanized bucket with lid that I used to keep bird seed in.  I cleaned it up and brought it into the house, then stared at it for a week or so not liking it until I realized I could cover it.  I ordered contact paper that arrived this week, and that was a project this morning.  It was difficult and is far from perfect, but I kinda love it - and it looks better in the bathroom.  

It's been a long day, though I surprisingly didn't snooze on the couch while I watched a movie and crocheted tonight.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday - COVID377

Up on time after a good night.  I'm glad I got the rest because it was a busy day.

I take a break a couple times a day to hit the grass with the weed whacker.  My goal is to get this all knocked down before it turns brown.  It's slow going because the batteries don't last long and I have one charger.  I have ordered new batteries and another charger so I can work longer.  A gas machine doesn't work for me and I haven't been able to get it started in years.

Bella continues to grow more confident.  And bossy.  She is now ignoring me sometimes if I am leading her somewhere that she doesn't want to go, so she's back on the leash in the afternoons, which seems to be her most stubborn time.  She is very food driven so if I have treats - and she has an excellent sense of smell and knows it - she will follow.  But I don't want to carry treats all the time and need her to learn better manners.  She barks if she's not sleeping when I leave the room she's in and don't come right back.  I make myself wait to go back until she has stopped barking.

I have lots of work to do but am hoping to get some house projects and product done this weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday - COVID376

I overslept which normally would not be a big deal, but I had an appointment for an oil change this morning.  I had plenty of time, but not enough to leisurely start the day or get some work in first.

The oil change went without a hitch.  I enjoyed being outside while they did it, people and car watching and enjoying the mild sunshine.  When I picked up the keys and paid for it, she said the oil was low, which surprised me.  This is the first oil change since I bought it in August, and I've put less than 5000 miles on it.  I mentioned that to her and she suggested I bring it in monthly to check the oil.  They'll document it and if it's burning oil, it could be a covered repair under the extended warranty I purchased with the car.  She said this engine is known to have issues with burning oil.  First I'd heard of that.

The rest of the day was work and then I fell asleep on the couch again.  Gotta quit that habit.  It's hard when I'm working on the afghan and I feel cozy and sleepy.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Wednesday - COVID375

 A normal busy work day.  I am trying to take 15 minutes each hour to stand and move, and that plan seemed to go into effect pretty well today.  Other than that, it was busy busy.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Tuesday - COVID374

 Up and at 'em early because I thought I had a dentist appointment today.  About an hour before the appointment time, I called the office and inquired because I hadn't received a confirming call or text from them.  Turns out this was an appointment that was cancelled when I was able to get in earlier.  My next appointment is next week.

But that was a good thing because I needed the time off work (I'd already told them I'd be off) to go with Bex to drop her car off at the mechanic.  Again.

I dropped her back at home and then took a nice drive out to Guerneville to return a wifi device to the library that was due back today.  It was a beautiful day.

I worked for a bit then Bex told me she needed to get blood work done, so she scheduled the appointment and I drove her down.  Her car had been diagnosed by then, and the shop was ordering the necessary part, so we picked her car up while we were out.  Thankfully, it is covered under warranty!  Woohoo!

Napped on the couch after dinner and then watched an episode of Idol with Bex.  We are a little behind and I'd like to get caught up before voting starts.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Monday - COVID373

The morning started off fine through early afternoon.  I wished Jess a happy birthday and was working along toward meeting a deadline today.  

Then my boss asked me to go into the office to put together this big packet that needed to be submitted to court today.  I said I'd get ready and head down.  It was the first time in over a year that I'd really put on make-up and straightened my hair and got ready to go out to a place where it might matter.  I didn't bother to put on work clothes, but did remember by the time I got home how much I hate real bras (as opposed to sports bras) and shoes.

I had feed to pick up from two stores, so hit the one in Santa Rosa first, then headed to the office.  It was strange to see the building so quiet, even though there were a handful of cars in the lot and some lights on upstairs.  I was able to get the project done, with some last-minute revisions and corrections.  I was out a little after 5pm to drop it at the courthouse and then head back north.

It was weird to be back in my office space, but after a while just as if I'd never left, hand reaching for the sort-kwik and paper clips and post-its on its own.  I had some issues with my printer, which hasn't been used in a year, but found a workaround.

I stopped at the second feed store and then to Jessi's house to bring her birthday present and visit for a little bit.  She was feeling poorly yesterday and is still not 100% but better.

Bex picked up Amy's for dinner.

Two feed stores is because Tractor Supply has the best price on dog and cat food, but poor quality goat and chicken feed, so I get food for the farm animals from Western Farm.

I forgot to mention that - I think it was Sunday - I discovered coyote scat in the grass, which was unusual.  When I went to remove it, I noticed it had been placed next to the now-vacant spot where I had discovered the small mole.  All that was left was a scattering of fur.  Bizarre.

I was up a little late again.  Still working on my afghan that will likely need to be set aside when the weather warms up more.  It's very big and primarily single crochet, so it is going to take a very long time.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Sunday - COVID372

Up with the sun and feeling good today.  I was able to work out a pick-up plan with Cory and Tammy of a free kick-wheel pottery wheel.  It's pretty heavy but we got it safely here.  The seat needs some adjustment because I'm not sure that we put it back on right, but it is functional and came with clay and attachments.  Art therapy on the horizon.

Then Tammy stayed with me and we tackled another section of the living room.  All of the DVDs and video cassettes were combed through, organized, and some set aside for donation.  The living area is slowly taking shape in the way I want it to be.

Bex made dinner, and I fell asleep on the couch again.  

The weekend was full and good.  I'm hoping for an easy work week and am happy with the mild weather.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Saturday - COVID371

I ended up going to bed at 3am.  I just couldn't get sleepy.  Wakeup time was at 9:30 am after Oliver quit circling my head and decided to lay his 16 pounds of cat body on my side and the sun was reflecting off the mirror into my eyes.

The coyote left its mark again last night, outside of camera range.  And the foxes showed up a couple more times.  One time I was still awake and a little annoyed at one fox hanging out, so I turned the alarm on.  It didn't immediately startle it, but the fox did trot off shortly after the sound started.  That and the ability to talk through the camera is a nice feature of the Ring.

I did some organizing and clearing and started some weed whacking.  I need to get back into my battery routine so I can run it longer - I ran out of juice and didn't have the other batteries charged up yet.  I was pretty tired at the end of the day.

I also opened up the drone that I gave myself for Christmas a couple years ago, charged it up, and tried it out.  It is super light and I think most of my trouble maneuvering it was due to the light breeze this afternoon.  I'll keep trying it on calm days.  It has a built-in camera and I am looking forward to taking some aerial shots around the property.  But I have to be sure I can control it first. 

While we've got these winds (it's pretty strong out there tonight), it might be a better time to fly kites.

I'll go to bed a little earlier tonight than last night.  Tomorrow is shaping up to be pretty busy in a good way.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday Friday - COVID370

Hey, I slept awesome last night and got up on time.  I did hit my injured toe on a middle of the night walkthrough, but was able to recover and go back to sleep.  It's funny how when everything in life gets so condensed, things like this are the first thing I think of to write about.  Sleep and lack thereof is important.

The coyote left a big pile o' mark on the other side of Loretta, outside of the Ring camera view.  As I was picking it up, I saw what I thought was some rain-pelted scat off to the side, though it was in a grassy area.  As I started to scrape it into the pooper scooper, I stopped.  It was not scat.  It was a dead small mole. 😔 I don't know how small they are when born, but this was not very old.

It was another busy work day.  I started early and ended about 4pm so I could drive to town with Bex.  We ran some errands and enjoyed the time together.  She made dinner (BLTs and salad) while I got the critters tucked in.

We were watching TV when around midnight the Ring notification went off and I saw a fox hanging out.  It walked under the camera and I wondered if it was going onto the deck, but I was too comfy and Bex had Bella in her lap, so we didn't move to look.

Bex went to bed and at about 12:30 the notification went off again.  This time when I looked at the camera, there were two foxes looking toward it, one very small - maybe a youngster?  It bit at a piece of grass.  I decided to get up to let Bex know in case we could see them through the window, and as soon as I closed the footrest on the couch, they took off, scattering gravel.

It's off to bed tonight, looking forward to the weekend.  We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thursday - COVID369

 I'm getting up a little easier but still need to go to bed earlier.  

And work is still nuts.  We have two huge deadlines to meet tomorrow and I'm looking forward to a break after that.

The rain came down hard and cold and I'm very very tired of it.  I wouldn't mind a sprinkle now and then to make sure things stay damp - even through the summer would be nice - but long wet days are no bueno.

Bex made a good dinner tonight.  Mixed greens with a side of pesto bread sticks and homemade ranch.

It's a little earlier bedtime tonight.  I'm hoping to sleep well.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday/Wednesday - COVID367/368

I skipped Tuesday.  It was a routine, packed, boring work day with me falling asleep on the couch.  When Bex woke me, I made me way straight to bed, did not pause to update the blog, because it was a nothing new day and I was pooped.

I didn't sleep well once I got to bed, but I guess I got a head start on the couch.

It was another intense work day.  I need a vacation but the work will still be there and I have eaten away vacation time earned because I need the money.  Then I got hit with an almost 50% increase in the garbage bill.  To add insult to injury, it was retroactive to January 1 with no notice.  I've requested a downsize in can size because I can't justify the cost going forward.  It knocked me sideways for the rest of the day because just when I feel like I can move ahead, something messes everything up again.

I fell asleep on the couch again, so another broken night's sleep.  

But we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Monday - COVID366

I was up a little late again today.  I went to bed late and then the time change got me again.

It was a busy work day with new clients continuing to come in while we juggle current cases.  We are still trying to play catch-up after a five-day trial that was supposed to be one day and sucked a lot of time with a disappointed client and an unpaid bill.  Such is the way it goes in family law sometimes.

I took Bella in for a nail trim in the late afternoon, a quick trip out and back.  She continues to improve and seemed to enjoy the ride this time, sitting on her bed in the seat next to me, not trying to climb around or get into my lap.

Chicken salad for dinner tonight and I feel like there are loose ends because I don't have work to do tonight.

A coyote trotted through at about 815 p.m.  I hadn't seen any for so long that I thought they had decided to stay away from the compound.  I still haven't laid the wolf lines because Blue started laying again and I didn't want to scare the chickens with the smell if the coyotes weren't around.  I have to rethink that plan now.

I lost track of time and stayed up too late again. 

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Sunday - COVID365

I slept in laaaaate today.  Thank you daylight savings time for making it feel worse than it really was.

I was able to finish the transcription I needed to today - it's a rare treat to catch up.

And I was able to visit with Tam this afternoon when she came up to help me with my next project.  It's great to visit together and I enjoy working with her.  We got a good spot cleared and reorganized and I'm looking forward to the next time.

I read my first COVID post tonight.  It was a week into the shutdown and I recognized how my posts became a shorthand diary over time, as I sank into the dull days and stress and didn't want to dig deep into feelings and thoughts.  I can't guarantee that will change, but I do know I'll be more aware and more willing to really write instead of log.  There's a bit to reflect on this week.  Looking back at the hope and fear and then reflecting on the last months of dark dullness and how it didn't really have to be that way, but it was.  I know for me a big part of that is how winter hits me and how much I need the sun.

The foxes are back and the Ring captured video from early morning and then sunrise.  

It's nice to see them again, and I especially enjoyed the sunrise part with the birds starting to chirp.  It looks like there is a pair and my best guess is they're hanging out in the old garden area where we've seen young kits in the past - when it was an active garden.  I'll be weed-whacking with caution.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Saturday - COVID364

I woke up before the alarm and made myself stay in bed until I heard it start.  This making sure I get 7 hours of sleep is a good thing, I think.  I'm not sure if it was just me wanting to get up or if I heard Bex and Q.  Bex took Q to the ER for pain way early this morning. He is fine now but they napped most of the rest of the day.

I transcribed and did a few things around the house and mentally tried to figure out what I want to accomplish tomorrow.  

I took a trip to town to pick up curbside groceries and drop off the return to Keurig.  The new machine arrived this week and is working fine.  Though I did discover I prefer the French press...  The Keurig is handy when I want a quick coffee or fast cup of hot water.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday - COVID363

I slept a little late but not too bad, and felt better about starting my day.  I hit my goal of a minimum of 7 hours of sleep.  

Work is still busy and I'm glad it's Friday.  I did have a good day, despite how focused I needed to be.  The three of us make a good team.

I didn't mention yesterday that when I went out to get the mail, I noticed a squirrel laying in the middle of our short section of driveway, belly down on the warm dirt.  It didn't move.  It lifted its head, and when I got out of my car, it moved off to the side of the driveway.  I was concerned because of the unusual behavior and the fact that I saw what looked like an injury at the base of its tail.  It vanished quickly so I couldn't check further and all I could do was wish it well.

But Bex found it by the driveway in the same area today, and unfortunately it had died.  We are pretty sad about it because we are enjoying the squirrels and are hoping this one isn't the female of the pair we have been watching.

Watched a little TV and crocheted with Bex after dinner.  Looking forward to what I hope will be a productive and enjoyable weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Thursday - COVID362

Up on time so I could work before yet another appointment.  

I had a good conversation with a nutritionist today that I think will help.  She was very thorough and reviewed my records and test results in addition to our conversation to come up with a plan.

That was the only unique thing about the day - just another day at the home office.

But I am enjoying a show I discovered called The Carbonaro Effect.  It's like Candid Camera but with a magician and is frequently laugh out loud funny.

I'm looking forward to the weekend!  And we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesday - COVID361

I got up on time this morning.  I had to be sure to get in as much time at work as possible before my dentist appointment.

I was hoping to see snow after the hailstorm we had, but didn't go far enough south to find any.  I did see pictures of Larkfield covered in snow.

I was looking forward to the next step in the process toward getting my crown, and this was for my temporary crown.  It started off challenging and didn't get any better.  Just as the dentist started to work, the right side of my jaw locked up.  This happens sometimes but I know how to move my jaw around to get it taken care of.  But I felt pressure with the dentist and his assistant watching and waiting on me, and I just couldn't do it.  Plus my mouth was numb.  I decided to just open my mouth as far as I could and see if they could get the work done.  It hurt the whole time as I was opening it against the stoppage.  Just when I thought we were almost done, the assistant, who was assigned to place the temporary, got it in wrong and it needed to be adjusted.  But it was stuck.  She kept pulling and prying and trying to get it off and nothing was working.  The Novocaine was wearing off and I was starting to feel things.  I started to shiver and then tears started to flow even though I wasn't in pain, but I was tired and frustrated and my jaw was aching and I couldn't open my mouth bigger to help.  She finally went to find the dentist and came back alone because he was with another patient.  He gave her a tip to try, and she did, but it didn't work.  He showed up and got it taken care of.  I know things happen but this was exhausting and I was shaking.  All I wanted was a warm blanket.  Of course, after all was said and done and I got into my car, I was able to loosen my jaw.  Ugh.

I got some things done at the end of the work day and then took a break for a while before starting more transcription.

Bex made cookies after dinner.  :)

And I'm glad it's Wednesday and am looking forward to the weekend already.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday - COVID360

I was able to get up with the alarm and got a good start on the day.

It was super cold, with a brief freezing rain mid-morning.

Work is still keeping me very busy!

Q had stomach pain this morning that was basically debilitating.  His previous care was in SF and we were trying to figure out who he should call and where he should go.  I called Health and Human Services to find out and started off the call as the 36th person in line.  After nearly an hour on hold, I decided to use the landline to call the library and also order feed.  The hold music at the library was identical to what had been in my ear for an hour!  Hearing it in both ears at different points in the recording was bizarre.

I kept the line open and was going to stay on hold until I got a person, no matter where I was.  I had just opened the car door to head out to the feed store when an actual person came on the line.  When I explained why I was calling, she asked if Q was available.  Because I had no authority to talk to them.  Whew!  I hadn't left yet!  I had to wake him but he was able to talk to them.  One hour and 35 minutes total on the phone and the answer took less than a minute.  County and State services shouldn't be run like this.  Thankfully, he's feeling better now, and he knows what to do if something comes up in the future.

It was a quiet evening and late night, though not as late as many recently.  We've got freezing rain again tonight and I'm looking forward to cozy sleeping quarters.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Monday - COVID359

 Dang it's Monday again.  I snoozed late deliberately because I kept waking up throughout the night and was exhausted when the alarm went off.

It was another busy work day with a nice Zoom office meeting to take the edge off of technological and communication and client/case frustrations.

I had a chance to talk with Tammy tonight, which is always good.  Then watch a show with Bex until bedtime.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Saturday/Sunday - COVID357/358

I slept in blissfully for a bit this morning until the mirror caught the sun and threw it into my eyes.  

I was able to finish one transcription project in the morning and then focus on house projects as a break.  There's another transcription project awaiting me.  And then as the day went on, more on the first transcription project.  

It was nice to go back and forth between things without feeling tied to a single job for eight hours.  I organized kitchen towels and cleaned house.  Then I made quiche for dinner, and leftover breakfasts and lunches, etc.  

Aaaaand I forgot to post this Saturday night.

Sunday was another sleep-in day, though most of the morning was spent catching up on transcription.

I was able to take some time to completely empty, clean, and organize the kitchen drawers.  It's amazing what you remember you had when you discover three corkscrews, two bottle openers, and I think about five vegetable peelers.  In my defense, most of those were trial and error peelers until I finally found one I like.  Now I go through them (they're all in the dishwasher) to see which are worth keeping and which go away.

I helped Jess pick some fresh spinach from her garden and brought some home with a spinach pesto recipe I'm looking forward to making.  It was nice to sit in her beautiful backyard and visit for a while.

The weekend passed too quickly but it was a good one.  We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Friday - COVID356

Up a little later than alarm this morning but I'm making it through.  Trying to get back schedule.

We were all hopping and bopping through work today - so much happening and I felt like I was juggling my way through the day.  With the same amount of tension and worry about dropping a ball.

It was a quiet night except for the deluge that came through with winds rattling the house. I was grateful that I'd suspected we might have rain and I had covered the hay. I don't bother checking the weather forecasts anymore.  Nothing feels predictable, so I watch the sky and go with the flow.

Two foxes bopped through by the Ring tonight but too fast to be worth saving video.  I haven't seen evidence of coyotes in quite a while now.  Maybe they have figured out a different place to settle.

I'm looking forward to what I hope will be both a productive and relaxing weekend.  We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday - COVID355

Up just a little bit later today but not too bad.

Work is so busy that it makes my head fuzzy.  I find myself just wanting to get up and do housework and organizing.  Looking forward to the weekend.

Bella is accustomed to being tethered near me during the day and night before she goes to the master bath at bedtime.  She was interested in something in the kitchen this morning that later turned out to be a mouse, so I took the leash off so she could alert me.  I discovered it (surprise!) in the trash can later.  I guess peanut shells are the draw when there's nothing else available in the kitchen.  I took the trash out and dropped some peppermint oil in the new bag and in the cupboard.  The good news about Bella being untethered is that I discovered she has learned to behave herself quite well.  She has a bad habit of "hoovering," eating absolutely anything she can find on the floor and getting into things, so I have kept her in one spot.  She spent the day today untethered because she is lying nicely in her bed or sitting next to me.  She follows me when I get up, and if that means going to the bathroom, she gets a treat for good behavior.  We discovered that will not go through an outside door without a leash (she refused to go with Becca, even when called to be free in the wild outdoors).  She continues to become more confident and is quite good at letting me know when she wants to be with me by barking.

It's been a long day.  We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wednesday - COVID354

I dragged myself out of bed to make sure I made my early call this morning.  Got the chores done beforehand and a cup of coffee halfway in me before I called.  It was a positive way to start what ended up being a super busy day.  Our assistant has been out all week not feeling well.  The burden is real when we get busy.

I handled a ton of stuff and then took a break to head into town to meet up to deliver the transcript I completed this weekend.  I haven't seen my friend in many years and it was nice to take some time to catch up while sitting on a park bench downtown.  The money didn't suck either, and I'm hoping to get more of this kind of work.  It's really going to take me making the time to finish the training on the software and get it transferred to the new computer to be most effective.  I feel overwhelmed thinking about this sometimes because of all the other things I'm trying to get done at the house and on the property while working my butt off on the computer long hours.

My boss was in the area and we arranged for her to come by for a bit so she could see my place.  Because of COVID and her age, I couldn't invite her indoors, so we walked the property.  She discovered edible plants growing wild near the barn, and identified many flowers and plants as we walked around.  She gave good advice on how to help my Meyer lemon tree and rosebush.  She's a pro at plants and used to be a florist.  She enjoyed seeing and petting the goats and walked with us to the barn, and peeked at the chickens who had tucked themselves in early.  It was a nice visit.

I snoozed on the couch again this evening before rousing myself to finish this and head to bed.  It's been a long week.  At one point I thought tomorrow was Friday and sent a message to my boss about a deadline we need to meet "tomorrow."

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday - COVID353

 I woke up to Mandi calling and that was a great way to start the day.  After that, it was a run through lots of office work because my assistant is out for the day and of course everything is happening all at once.

I picked up my online grocery order late in the day.

My neighbor told me that her worker had talked to the guys who left right before me when my package disappeared.  When she went down to get her newspaper, she discovered my package stuffed in the newspaper box - not the mailbox.  It wasn't there yesterday, so whoever took it brought it back.  I had a chance to chat with her for a while this afternoon, which was good.

I had a phone appointment with my doctor to follow up on my ER visit.  She was cracking up when she called because she had just read the doctor's notes from my visit.  Apparently amidst the technical recounting of my injury and what happened during the visit, he wrote that I had said to "Just pull the damn thing" when I agreed to him yanking my toe without anesthetic.  I don't recall using damn but who knows?  It is not outside the realm of possibility and I was not thinking very clearly at the time.  

I finished work and spent some time with Bex and crocheted.  It's gotten to be another late night and I have an early appointment tomorrow.  Oops.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Monday Monday - COVID352

I went to bed waaaay late/early last night.  When the alarm went off, I got up and fed the cat and dog.  Then was so groggy I decided to sleep a little more. I set the timer for an hour and then shut it off, turned over, and slept more.  Then my phone rang at about 10am.  And it was my boss.  That got me up!!

She had been wondering why I wasn't responding to emails.  Then she texted me and got no response, so she started to worry.  I explained and she was cool and I got busy with a deadline.  It was a pretty busy day again and I was in a fog but got stuff done.

I received a text in the afternoon that a package was delivered, so I hopped in the car to go pick it up. I heard a vehicle heading down the driveway and then saw an SUV going after it, so I headed down behind them.  When I got to the gate, I saw the SUV turning onto the road, and when I got to my mailbox there was no package.  Not in my box, not in the parcel box, not by the gate, not behind the tree where one mailman likes to hide things for me.  I texted my neighbor to see if she might have been the vehicle going out first and maybe picked it up, but she hadn't.  It was vineyard workers leaving.  She talked to the foreman and he was going to look into it.  She is pretty heated about it and will "find out the truth!" when they come back tomorrow.  It wasn't anything special, but I do need it.  It's Rid-X for the septic system and I really don't want to have to buy it again. 

I finally called Keurig about the coffee maker I bought back in August.  It arrived while I was evacuated and it took me a while to go ahead and set it up.  After two weeks of use, it quit working properly.  I called Amazooooo to discuss the problem and the rep walked me through a little troubleshooting (had already done but humored him) then gave me the info to call Keurig.  I put it on my to-do list and it took me a few months to get to it.  It took about a half hour on hold before someone picked up but Sandra was fun to talk to.  She got all the info and then we went through a long series of troubleshooting.  You know how your kid gets sick and you take them to the doctor but they feel fine by the time they get there?  And the broke thing works when someone in authority is witnessing it?  That didn't happen.  The machine would not cooperate, and the conclusion there was a malfunction inside of it.  So I'll get a label to return it and they'll send me a new one.  I don't miss it much because I became accustomed to using the French press, but it will be nice to have a working Keurig again.

I worked late and crocheted a bit. I didn't fall asleep on the couch but was wide awake late.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Sunday - COVID351

I slept late but not enough.  But the weather was nice today and I enjoyed one of my favorite kinds of fresh cool mornings when I went outside to take care of the animals.

I turned to a work project I have been putting off because I knew there would be a learning curve. It turned out to be more of a learning curve than expected and I spent the morning and early afternoon wrangling a new software program and a new process in Word.  

I stopped to spend time with Tammy and work with her on organizing and sorting through the TV cabinet.  We reorganized games and controls and books and pictures and I filled a box for donating and Tammy took some items to list directly to people who might be able to use them.  She helped me remove the nonfunctioning DVD/VCR and replace it with the one the kids got me. It's tough to manage the cords behind the unit and needs two people.  We gave it a good dusting and I took photos out that were packed for evacuation last year and put them up.  I was amazed at the amount of ash on them from having been stored in Jessi's garage.  It looks great and is relaxing to look at, easy to use, and impetus to move on to the next bookshelf.

After Tam left, I turned back to my project for a few more hours.  I'm sure there is an easier way and I'll eventually find it, but it took using three programs to get the setup that I needed.

I fell asleep on the couch after dinner and didn't even pick up my crochet project.  I can't believe the weekend is over already.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Saturday - COVID350

I slept later than normal but it's another late night and I'm looking forward to bed again.

I spent more time working today than I wanted to but do need to catch up.  Physical issues and pain made for slow going and I'm far behind.

I'll be looking forward to shifting gears for a little bit tomorrow before getting back to it.

Coyote scat was on the main driveway today rather than near the house.  It was pretty apparent on my drive down to the mailbox.  Bex caught some video of a squirrel drinking from the rain filled half wine barrel this morning.  We've seen a squirrel rushing up and through trees behind the house with leaves in her mouth.  We think a nest has been built, which could also explain the two squirrels chasing each other yesterday.  It will be fun to see babies if we're lucky.  'Tis the season.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Friday - COVID349

It was such an ordinary day that it's hard to remember much to report the morning after.  I was pretty tired last night and forgot to update before going to bed.  It was difficult to sleep because of the howling wind shaking the house and windows.

There was still plenty of work and not much new happened.  It was one of the increasing days that is blending into others of a fog of routine and pain, though the pain is decreasing.  I am definitely tired of wearing this boot, though it does help with the pain in my toe.

It should be a quiet weekend that I hope will be productive and accident free.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Thursday - COVID348

 Up on time but still tired!  I know part of that is not sleeping well.

It was another busy work day.  The morning was broken up by the announced arrival of squirrels by the Ring cam.  It was fun to see them frolicking and chasing instead of what I had been concerned about.  No evidence of a coyote visit last night.

I headed out this afternoon to pick up feed and enjoyed the drive on this spring-like day.

I'm still healing.  The dental work is beginning to heal up and while I'm still uncomfortable I don't have the constant pain I've been dealing with for the last couple of weeks.  My toe is another story and I'm looking forward to that feeling better.

Also looking forward to the weekend and hoping I can get caught up enough tomorrow that I can really enjoy some time off.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wednesday - COVID347

 I got up pretty much on time this morning but felt like crud.  I am just not sleeping well these days.

I was able to get a lot of work in until early afternoon, when it was time to head out for a root canal.

My new dentist is efficient, friendly, considerate, and attentive.  It was bearable for someone who avoids dentists as much as possible.  I'm looking forward to getting things taken care of.  

As good as the dentist was, I was still not feeling so hot when the numbness wore off, plus my toe is still painful.  I finished up a couple of things, tried to work on another work project, and then needed to chill and try to crochet before finally admitting I need sleep.  I was trying to stay up to take my next amoxicillan at the right time but will bring the pill to bed and set the timer.

The coyote showed up early morning today and was caught on the Ring.

I'll address the wolf pee lines later when I'm feeling better.  For now, the chickens are secure and we are watchful.

The weather is getting nicer and I am seeing grass growing that needs to be addressed before it becomes too much, and it's almost time to start the garden so I'll need to start getting the beds ready.  I am hoping to feel better this weekend to be able to work on some of that.  Plus catching up on transcription that is far behind.

Overall we're still safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday - COVID346

I slept a little past the alarm and find that I need every minute. I am so tired and everything still hurts.

It was another very busy work day.  I am behind on everything and trying to figure out a way to pace myself and catch up.

I fell asleep on the couch again. When I wake up, it's hard to get moving because I'm so tired, so I find myself falling back asleep on the couch over and over until I finally make myself get up. 

I do have an appointment to get the root canal done tomorrow, so that's a good thing.

We are safe and well. I hope you are too.

Monday - COVID345

I woke up on time, amazingly.  My sleep app said I got 3 hours of sleep because that's when I went to bed, but I was definitely sleeping on the couch for a long time last night.

The pain in my foot outdid the pain from my teeth today, though the tooth pain continues to fade.  It's hard to stay focused. It was a long busy work day.

The coyote did a quick walk-through last night that the Ring barely caught.  I've gone through all of the settings and am not sure why there is a lag in capturing images.  I'll try changing the wifi it is using and see if that helps.  If not, I'll contact the company to see.  It seems as if it is not doing nearly as well as it was last year, when I was able to catch the fox trotting through the whole way.

None of the chickens are laying, not even Blue who has been a real trooper.  It could be she's taking a break and the others are getting ready to lay now that the days are longer, but I know that the Americaunas have started laying earlier in the year than this, so I'm frustrated.

I finished making my hat last night.  I'll do some blocking and then get a picture.  I'm looking forward to trying one using raffia.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Sunday - COVID344 and Kaiser ER

I woke up ready to tackle a good day.  But the cat peed on my bed.  UGH!!  

So I was pissed off (yes I went there) and started the first of what would need to be three loads of laundry (I use two comforters).  I grabbed the second load and hustled through the house feeling annoyed, and snagged a chair leg with my left "ring toe," the one next to the pinky.  I cussed and hobbled to the washer to get the laundry in, slamming my hand on the machine in aggravation and pain, knowing it would subside, right?

Something odd caught my eye while I was loading the comforter in, so I took a closer look at my foot after the cycle was started and was horrified to see my toe at a strange angle.  I knew this was bad and there was nothing I could do at home to fix it.  I hobbled in to tell Bex and interrupted a phone call.  She said she'd take me to the ER.  Tam was almost to the house, so instead I asked if she could drop me off, so she did.  We had a nice ride, listening to Chris LeDoux and catching up, though about halfway the numbness that had enveloped my foot started to fade.  She warned me they would probably have to try to put it into place and said I should yell KELLY CLARKSON when they did it.  I asked why in the world I would do that and she asked if I'd seen the move 40 Year Old Virgin, which I had not.  She explained that's what he yelled in the hospital scene.

I was horrified to see the ER busy when I hobbled in.  It took a while for them to take my card, and then another wait of a half hour to get to triage check-in.  I didn't get to a room for two hours.  That was filled with people watching and hobbling to the bathroom twice before getting a wheelchair and letting them move me, and I couldn't stop crying, tears going constantly into my mask.  It was a parade of weekend warriors on one of the first nice Sundays in a while.  I overheard that a few ambulances had dropped people during the time all of us were waiting with ice on wrists, knees, heads.  An elderly woman who had fallen, a woman who admitted to the nurse that she wasn't taking her meds regularly and had gained 10 pounds overnight and was short of breath.  For a time I sat across the room from a balding middle-aged man who constantly moaned and groaned and grunted with ice on his knee with no tears while constantly on his phone.  While I silently cried.

The doc was great when he came bopping in and apologized for the wait more than once.  He need to pull on the toe to see if he could straighten it.  The options were two shots (I know how bad shots feel in feet) or do it without.  After spiraling in my brain for a minute, faced with two bad choices, I opted to be the athlete and let him do it without  numbing it.  A deep breath in, exhale, and YANK.  I yelled.  Couldn't help it.  Then he had to do it again and I yelled again.  Not mad at him, it had to be done.  I told him when he was done that my friend had told me to yell KELLY CLARKSON when that happened.  He chuckled.

Then it was off to x-ray, which was an adventure in at one point trying to pull that toe away from the others to get a good side picture of it.

The results were that there's no fracture and doc thinks it was dislocated and he put it back in place before the x-ray.  It was still looking a little wonky, so it's taped.  I have a nice boot that keeps it protected and helps me walk without pain.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to wear my funky toe shoes again.

Bex came to pick me up.  I went outside to wait and there was a ton of people out there.  I hobbled my way to the edge of a group of two picnic tables to sit facing away from the 10 or so people who were gathered like they were having a picnic.  More joined them from the ER area, so my estimate is that there were about 15 people there, including a toddler. 

Bex picked me up and we got sandwiches on the way home.  I arrived back at the house a little over five hours after I'd left it.  We did chores and then settled in for the night.

I fell asleep on the couch and Bex woke me a couple of times but then I fell asleep again before I could get myself up.  The third time she helped me get to bed.

Hoping for an easy and productive week!

Other than the toe injury, we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Friday/Saturday - COVID342/3

 It's strange not having AJ around today.  My phone became unplugged from the charger and so I slept in a little - not too much.  

I worked for a while and then headed down to the dentist for a consult and education session.  I learned a lot and we have a plan in place for next steps.  My teeth still hurt but it's not as bad now that the antibiotics have started.

More work in the afternoon and I am really looking forward to the weekend.

I forgot to mention I heard gunfire yesterday morning.  I know the dairy workers shoot the doves that roost in their barns, but this was brief, just a handful, and I have a suspicion they might have shot coyote(s).  No new scat overnight, though they have gone a couple days before.  As much as I would be relieved at the respite from the ones wandering through and terrorizing the chickens, I don't think that is the right solution.  At least it's not for me. 

I have no idea how this didn't get posted yesterday, but here it was, waiting.

I slept in today (Saturday) and made myself do some work. I am tired and need a break. I worked on organization in the kitchen a little bit and picked up some bins from Home Depot curbside.  Tam will be coming up tomorrow to help a little bit. I get overwhelmed sometimes and she is great support and has good ideas and resources. 

Bex and I made falafels using the air fryer tonight.  It was really easy and nice to not have to deal with the mess of frying in oil.

My teeth still hurt, though it eased for most of the day.  It seems to be worst in the morning and (of course) right before I go to bed.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thursday - COVID341

I was up a little later but AJ didn't wake me up this morning.  He was quietly playing when I got up.

I took him for a drive to McDonald's to get breakfast.  I agreed he could have a small McFlurry as breakfast dessert but their machine was down, so no sweet treat.  He was disappointed but happy to accept orange juice instead.   

We had a good conversation on the drive about a variety of things.  When we got to the gate I remembered that I was going to play him the ringtone I use for my kids because it cracks him up every time he hears it but he never gets to hear the whole thing because I answer.  I told him that one of these days I'll teach him how to open the gate and he smiled and shook his head nooooo, giggling.  He's old enough to do it now but the booster seat is a bit of a pain, so I won't make it unbuckle to do the gate.  Yet.

At one point, AJ came to me in tears after he had done his reading homework because his tablet quit working.  I came in and sat down to see what it was doing, and he breathed a big sigh of relief and said that it was working fine now.  

Bex and AJ played Battleship this afternoon while I worked.  And I just remembered that we never did get Bella her bath.  I'll have to remember for next time.  It's hard to fit those things in during the work week.

I was sad to see him go but happy that we had the time this week.  I know he'll enjoy a night with his auntie before going home tomorrow.  He was a good companion while doing chores, and though we kept an eye out on our trips down the driveway, he didn't see any wildlife this trip.  Though the coyotes did leave their mark overnight.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday - COVID340

I was up late but not too late because a little person was standing in front of me 30 minutes after I turned off my alarm reminding me I said I'd be up at 6:15.  Li'l man does not forget a thing!

I got some work in before a dental appointment and Bex took AJ to McDonald's for his promised breakfast.  Because he was with Baboo, he got a small McFlurry to eat after his breakfast food.

I've had tooth pain for days and finally relented, thus the appointment.  I have another appointment for Friday and I'm looking forward to some relief.  I started antibiotics for an infection today and was told I should feel better within 24 hours of starting them.  So far, the pain is a little less but still there and may impact my sleep again.

While I was picking up my prescription, I saw a notification on the Ring.  The first image was Oliver.  The next was Bex striding out, grabbing the hose, and spraying.  She looked around and then went inside, and I called her.  She said she'd heard the chickens going nuts and went out and scared off either a fox or coyote.  It took off quick and had a reddish coat.  I'm thinking coyote 'cause our foxes are gray.  After AJ went to sleep, I heard the coyotes singing outside.  

And then shortly after the coyote sighting, I was approaching the Lake Trail on the driveway and saw small bobcat dive down the hill.

Bex made us peanut butter and banana grilled sandwiches for lunch, an AJ favorite since she introduced him to them last year.

After I was done working, we made I guess a taco bar for dinner.  All the ingredients were the same but we each put them together differently.  AJ had a taco and a burrito, Bex made nachos, and I had a burrito bowl.  It was a good dinner, though AJ thought it was a little spicy.  I reduced the spices I used but apparently not by enough.  He still ate it all.

We watched Rango and talked with Mandi on the phone.  AJ will be leaving us tomorrow and I'm sad because I didn't get enough play time with him, with work and all.  I'm grateful for the time we did have and love having him around.  He is a delightful, funny, happy, kind, curious, and thoughtful child.  I told him we'd give Bella a bath and he keeps reminding me - I need to make sure we get that done in the morning.  This is a kid you don't want break promises with and want to avoid changing plans.  He takes you at your word.

I'll hope for better sleep tonight and an easy day tomorrow. 

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday - COVID339

I finally got to sleep after finding Anbesol for a toothache that's been bugging me.  I remembered not to trip over AJ on the floor and got up on time.  He was awake already and watching a video under his blanket so as not to disturb me.  

Angelo helped me take care of the animals this morning and walked Salsa from the barn to the pen.  He misses Luna.  He told me I need to get another goat because our two are lonely.  He doesn't like the smell near the chicken coop.

I asked him what he wanted for breakfast and after going through options, he decided on a breakfast burrito with bacon.  I made sure this time to make the eggs just the way his mama told me she makes them, and he ate up his burrito with no complaint.  When I asked him if he wanted milk or water to drink, he said, "Goat milk."  I had to explain I'm not milking Salsa anymore and he wondered why.  We talked about how she's old and she quit making milk last year, and how the only way to get goat milk now would be for her to have a baby.  And that she's too old to have babies anymore.  He said she would also need a goat husband and I don't have one of those.  He thinks I need to get another goat so I can have milk and that I could sell it.  When Bex went out later to get sticky buns, she picked up some goat milk from the store so he could have some.

AJ helped me with the animals and we had spaghetti and leftover pizza for dinner with cake dessert.  After he said he'd had enough spaghetti after a small bowlful, I commented that he had eaten less than I'd expected today, especially after his mama said he ate a lot as a growing boy.  He quietly said he was trying to be polite and didn't want to eat all my food.  I reassured him that he should tell me when he's hungry and not to say he's had enough because he's being polite.  I totally understand that, but it's more important that he stay well and eat enough.  He's a sweet boy.

He was silly and talkative at bedtime.  He had a bit of a tummy ache but we agreed I'd check on him in 30 minutes to see how he's doing.  He was asleep after 15.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday - COVID338

 It was a holiday but I was up with the sun but not too late to get the animals set for the day.  I still had some work to do and tried to balance it with taking a day for myself.  

Bex and I worked on clearing some things today and I was able to work on my crochet project.  AJ is spending a few days with us during his school break, so we were able to share some pizza and visit with Jess, Mandi, Sis, and Lorna when AJ came this evening.  He and Sissy were sad that the animals were put away for the night before arrived, but Bex and I opened doors so they could peek at them.  Bella and Oliver love AJ as usual and recognized him.

We watched a show and then he went to bed.  He's such a good kid, knows how to brush his teeth better than any kid I've ever known, and ask for what he wants and needs.  He settled onto the mat on the floor in my room.  It's in a different spot than he usually sleeps so I will need to be sure not to trip over him at night.

The tick bite is still bugging me.

Other than that annoyance, we are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday - COVID337

I enjoyed being able to sleep a little later again today, though I was up a little earlier than yesterday.

The big coyote showed up again last night and left its calling card.  It's been rainy off and on so I haven't used any of the wolf urine yet.

Tamily came by this afternoon to bring eggs from the farm and Valentine's chocolate covered strawberries.  It was nice to visit with them for a while before the rain showed up.

I picked up groceries from Jess midafternoon and enjoyed seeing her.

The tick bite is still bothering me.  It's painful and itchy at the same time and situated in a bad spot.  I didn't get much done on household projects because of it.  I was able to do a little computer work and started my next crochet project.  That kept me occupied and I lost track of time so it was a late bedtime.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Saturday - COVID336

 I slept until the sun woke me.  I felt awake and ready, though I had a mild headache that persisted throughout the morning.

It was windy today, which I hate, though not as much as I do during fire season.

Becca made lemon curd from scratch and made the house smell amazing.

There was more work than time for projects, so not a lot got done that I really wanted to.  But I did acquire a nasty tick bite.  It's the third I've found in the last couple weeks and I'm not sure yet where I'm picking them up.  

We are safe and well and looking forward to another two days off.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Friday - COVID335

Up on time for a long work day.  There's more to do but I'm tired and will hit it again when I get up in the morning.

No coyote sightings the last couple of days.  The rain might be keeping them away.  Or my scary performance.  

The mouse is still taunting me.  I need to test the traps to make sure they are actually functional.  The lights are on but nothing's getting caught.  It could just be I need better bait.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thursday - COVID334

Because I didn't get to sleep until after 4am and hit the alarm off when it went off, I didn't wake up until way too late. What a way to start the day.

It was an intense work day and I'm trying to catch up on a lot.

The coyotes continue to leave scat in the same place. I contacted the company I purchased the wolf urine from to ask them about this, because they dumped in the same place I'd put the urine.  It was a good and timely response with a reasonable thought.  When coyotes are displaced and desperate and there is a food source present, they will ignore the bigger predator's scent.  I was given some suggestions and will implement them for a week.  If I continue to have a problem, the company will refund my money.  Wow.

Between pots and pans being close at hand to make as much noise as possible the next time I see a coyote, and plans in place to set up drip systems for the wolf pee when the rain stops, we'll see how this goes.  Another option is to purchase some motion detected sprayers but I'm hesitant to do that just yet.  I really don't want Oliver to suffer from my determination to scoot the coyotes away from the house.

We are safe and well and looking forward to a long weekend.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday - COVID333

I was up on time this morning though I could have slept longer.  

I worked the morning only because PG&E had notified us of a planned power shut-off so they could replace some overhead equipment in the area.  This was the third notice - the previous two times I took time off work and shut off the computer to protect it from the sudden power loss and restart and they never turned it off.  This time they actually did.

I spent much of that time reorganizing my closet.  Part of that was discovering an old purse and wallet that I had not fully emptied and discovering my "lost" favorite lipstick that Bex had given me and nearly $100 in balances on various gift cards.  I transferred $5 of a Starbucks card to my app and set the others aside to be sure to use at Bed Bath & Beyond, Macy's, Applebee's, and Joann's.

I went through the pen cup in the kitchen and removed all of the small screwdrivers and put them with the tools, then checked every pen to be sure it worked, and discovered an old pen from one of my bosses at my first fulltime job.  He had died while I was working there.  Just seeing his name brought back a flood of memories.  That was a good job.

I got a call that Loretta's tire was done and went down to pick it up.  They didn't charge me for it because the last fix hadn't worked.  It was a break in the beading on the rim, so they redid it, made sure it was holding air, and I picked it up.  If it goes flat again, it's likely because the tire is damaged because it was flat on the ground for too long before I discovered and took care of it.  I'm hopeful that's not the case.

When I got home, there was coyote scat on the spot where I'd removed yesterday's scat and applied wolf urine.  I'm stumped about this.  I put the goats in just before 5pm.  I was working at the computer when I heard chickens clucking loudly like they had just laid, which was a little odd because they typically lay in the morning.  So as I was getting up to see if there were any eggs, suddenly all of the chickens were making a ton of noise, and as I opened the slider I saw a coyote come running up the hill straight at the coop.  I shook the door and started yelling.  It looked at me and went down the hill.  I grabbed my walking stick and walked over, yelling at it the whole time.  It was down the hill behind the tree branches where Bex had seen it go previously.  I continued to yell, grabbed a thick short fallen tree branch and chucked it down the hill.  It was still there.  So I grabbed the hose which has a good nozzle on it, turned the water on, and then sprayed back and forth in the coyote's direction and it disappeared.  I continued to yell at it.  The coyote came up to the chicken run even though I had moved the radio there after putting the goats in the barn, so clearly that's not a deterrent.  The chickens went inside their coop and I shut them in for the night, keeping a watchful eye and ear out and making sure Oliver was in the house.

I sent a message to the company I purchased the wolf urine from to see if they have any suggestions.  The fact that the coyote dumped on the spot where I'd applied the urine makes me suspect they don't care about wolves because there are no wolves around here.

I got to talk with Tam tonight.  It felt good to catch up a little.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.