Monday, March 15, 2021

Sunday - COVID365

I slept in laaaaate today.  Thank you daylight savings time for making it feel worse than it really was.

I was able to finish the transcription I needed to today - it's a rare treat to catch up.

And I was able to visit with Tam this afternoon when she came up to help me with my next project.  It's great to visit together and I enjoy working with her.  We got a good spot cleared and reorganized and I'm looking forward to the next time.

I read my first COVID post tonight.  It was a week into the shutdown and I recognized how my posts became a shorthand diary over time, as I sank into the dull days and stress and didn't want to dig deep into feelings and thoughts.  I can't guarantee that will change, but I do know I'll be more aware and more willing to really write instead of log.  There's a bit to reflect on this week.  Looking back at the hope and fear and then reflecting on the last months of dark dullness and how it didn't really have to be that way, but it was.  I know for me a big part of that is how winter hits me and how much I need the sun.

The foxes are back and the Ring captured video from early morning and then sunrise.  

It's nice to see them again, and I especially enjoyed the sunrise part with the birds starting to chirp.  It looks like there is a pair and my best guess is they're hanging out in the old garden area where we've seen young kits in the past - when it was an active garden.  I'll be weed-whacking with caution.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

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