Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday - COVID377

Up on time after a good night.  I'm glad I got the rest because it was a busy day.

I take a break a couple times a day to hit the grass with the weed whacker.  My goal is to get this all knocked down before it turns brown.  It's slow going because the batteries don't last long and I have one charger.  I have ordered new batteries and another charger so I can work longer.  A gas machine doesn't work for me and I haven't been able to get it started in years.

Bella continues to grow more confident.  And bossy.  She is now ignoring me sometimes if I am leading her somewhere that she doesn't want to go, so she's back on the leash in the afternoons, which seems to be her most stubborn time.  She is very food driven so if I have treats - and she has an excellent sense of smell and knows it - she will follow.  But I don't want to carry treats all the time and need her to learn better manners.  She barks if she's not sleeping when I leave the room she's in and don't come right back.  I make myself wait to go back until she has stopped barking.

I have lots of work to do but am hoping to get some house projects and product done this weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

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