Saturday, April 10, 2021

Friday - COVID391

I was so tired last night that I walked straight past the computer and went to bed without updating the blog.

Up on time, and very intense and sometimes emotional work day.  We will all be very focused for a while as we move into a really big transition.  There's no way to get a handle on when that transition will be final, so I am focusing on what's in front of me right now and being as effective and efficient as possible while I wait for the ground to settle a little under my feet so I can figure out which way to go next.

I realized last night that I have finally conquered the mouse issue that arose when we were evacuated for a month last year.  No sounds, no sightings, no evidence left behind.

It wasn't the containers for all of my bagged food, though I know that helped and I will always use them in the future.  I love how organized my cupboards are.

It wasn't the bags of peppermint and cinnamon that I purchased from a website guaranteeing that this would take care of the problem.

It wasn't the plug-ins that I put all over the house, nor the battery-operated device that vibrated and flashed strobe lights and emitted a sound that I couldn't hear intermittently.

It wasn't the diffusers that I had going 24/7 in three different rooms.

It wasn't my diligent application every day of peppermint and cinnamon oil to bits of paper towel in every cupboard and drawer, though I did see some reduction.

It was the unopened bars of Irish Spring - which is so fragrant that the scent is still strong in the box - that I placed in cupboards.  I realized last night that after I did that, there was absolutely no more evidence of mice, and it even took care of a lingering issue I've had with tiny bugs that would show up from time to time.

Easy, not annoying, inexpensive.  

I still nab an occasional mouse outside near the water heater, but that I can handle.

I went through my yarn and crochet mess next to the couch last night and reorganized everything.  

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too. 

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