Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wednesday - Day 107

My alarm didn't go off but I woke up at the right time. 

It was a busy work morning.

We still do not have water and now I am worried about a possible leak under the house.

I talked to Mom and Dad this morning.  I love being able to talk with them.

Right after I hung up the phone, I heard a loud noise outside and went out to investigate.  A helicopter was flying low right at the house and then turned around right over the house before heading off again.  I didn't recognize it - black with orange insignia/writing.

I had meant to call the vet this morning because Lily started dropping weight rapidly.  Time got away from me until I heard the other goats calling and knew Lily had escaped.   I offered her food and she wouldn't eat it. I sat down on the chair next to the milk stand and called the vet. Lily laid her head on my shoulder and let me stroke her neck and head. Those of you who know Lily know how amazing that is.

After speaking with the vet's office, I was going to let Lily roam until we had to go, but she seemed uncomfortable and I remembered that she typically gets out right away when I put her back in.  So I actually finally set up two cameras to find out how she escaped from the pen.  And then she didn't.  So she keeps her secret.

Dr. Klein was good enough to create room for us in her busy schedule today, and after Bex and I helped Lily into the back of the Equinox, we headed down to Windsor. I was so surprised and grateful to discover Samantha there to help us through. Sam is the daughter of an old friend I met in junior high school, who also happened to live next door to me in Novato when Jess was little.  From Dr. Klein's exam in the parking lot, it appears it was cancer that sped up Lily's demise.

The other goats started calling out as soon as I got home, and every time I stepped outside, they all stared at me like they were waiting for me to bring Lily back to them. It took a while for the herd to adjust to the loss of Imbri. This is a big hole in the herd and in my heart.

It's been a long day.

We are well.  I hope you are too.

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