I slept really well last night despite the heat and woke up with the alarm.
I had the follow-up doctor appointment this morning and it was determined that I do not have a pinched nerve in my neck, but likely carpal tunnel. It's strange that it's in my left hand when I am right-handed, but lately I have been doing a lot of mouse work with my right hand and using my left to hit keyboard commands. I'll get some information on how to treat it, will get a wrist brace, and start my anti-inflammatory herbal regimen again.
The baby birds seem to be getting used to my prying eyes (camera) and just look at me now like, "What now? We're napping." I'm fairly certain that half of them didn't make it. The two I can see stuff that small nest to the point they're almost toppling out and I don't think four could have made it. I gave up quite a while ago hoping they were all taking turns in the birdpile.
My hen, Blue, has become broody. She's been in the preferred nesting box all day every day and I've only retrieved an egg every other day because she's not laying every day and isn't letting Barney in. For some reason the other hens won't lay in the other box, even though it's bedded identically.
It was another hot afternoon and Bex cooked dinner tonight. We were both pretty tired earlier than usual.
We are well. I hope you are too.
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