The garden is coming along well. These are Sriracha peppers. My Habaneros aren't doing so well this year.
Bex got up on time so we could easily make it down to the store to fix the WiFi issue. We preordered Starbucks to pick up on the way. It seems that the WiFi is fixed. We shall see.
We stopped at Westside Farmstand before coming home and picked up more flowers, and some corn, jalapenos, peaches, and honey.
My box from Mountain Rose Herbs finally arrived today! I have packets of seeds, some hops to make tea, and a nice strainer that is a little bigger than the one I've been using. I've used it today already.
I need to get my elderberry flower/lemon elixir finished now that the steeping part is done.
Something knocked over the camera in the back yard. I had it propped on a tripod on top of an overturned half wine barrel, and one of the legs had fallen into one of the holes drilled in the bottom (it was a planter). Whatever it was did a stealth knock-over, so the camera didn't catch anything but treetops. The stealthcam doesn't capture anything overnight, all I see is myself when I go to the chicken coop in the morning. I'll need to doublecheck settings in case I'm missing anything. I did get a visit from my squirrel friend again this morning. I slowed the video down a little because he moves out of the frame really quickly.
I made peach salsa using the peaches and jalapenos from the farmstand. It is delicious! I also enjoyed some of the hops tea with lemon. I tried sweetening it a little with stevia, but I still don't like the taste of stevia. I'll try a little honey next time if I think it needs it.
Hoping for some down time tomorrow to make product. It's been tough to find the space/time when we are cooking food to eat more.
We are well. I hope you are too.
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