Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Wednesday - Day 93 - Critters and Family

My brain was racing again last night, so it was hard to get to sleep.  I slept past the alarm.

And then it was a super busy day for work.  I need a day off!

The camera didn't record anything unusual last night.  

Bella knows when it's dinnertime.  She has gotten used to being fed at 5:00 instead of just whenever I get home from work.  So now she barks like clockwork right at 5:00 p.m.  She gets her breakfast when I roll out of bed, so she never has to remind me then.

I almost forgot to howl tonight.  To save time, I went out the front door to howl from the deck rather than take my usual walk to the end of the driveway.  I was tired and feeling really low.  As I opened the door, I saw a bird suddenly fly away quickly.  I wondered about that.  And after I'd howled a couple times, I carefully looked at the top of the light fixture next to the door.

And then I carefully aimed my phone camera over what I saw.

And here it is.

I discovered a bigger nest in the same exact location in May 2014.  We saw the babies after they hatched and I was able to capture some beautiful photos of them with their little beaks open.  And on the 31st of May that year, I discovered the empty nest in the driveway and was heartbroken.  Bex and I are trying to figure out a way to help protect this nest without interfering with mama.  I'll keep you posted.

Dad called tonight and I had a chance to talk with him and Mom for a while.  His Father's Day card arrived yesterday and he called to thank me.  I ordered it back in April, along with Mom's for Mother's Day, because I had a feeling we wouldn't be able to see them on their special days.  LovePop cards are really cool and you can personalize the card with your message and have the company mail it for you.  

The big goats were being stupid again tonight, so I hooked leads on the little ones and walked them to the barn first.  When I came back to Salsa and Lily, I apparently forgot to turn the electric fence off.  It's a pulse, so if I move fast enough and hit it at the right time, it is entirely possible for me to unhook the gate, grab the post, punch it into the ground, and let go without feeling a thing.  I stepped in to grab Salsa's collar, brushed my arm against the fence, and felt that zap all the way up to my shoulder. 

I yelled in pain and surprise.


No one heard me.

I pulled out my phone to call Bex to ask her to help because I was upset.  It had been a hard day and I'd had enough.  She had just happened to wonder if I was doing chores and if I needed help, and as the phone started to ring, I saw her walking toward me.  I asked if she'd heard me yell, but she hadn't.

Maybe I need to howl next time.  That echoes.  But it wouldn't help much inside the house, where fans create white noise and the dryer is going and the dishwasher is running and Q is playing a game.

I'm okay, though my shoulder ached for a while.  The reason I got this type of fencing is that it won't hurt me but it will deter critters from testing it.  I have a feeling that Lily hasn't escaped since I put the new battery in, but I can't be sure because I didn't note the date.  We'll see.

It is hot in the house, and though a breeze would help cool it down, I'm okay without a breeze.  Wind bothers me always, and especially during another early fire season.

I'm hot and had a good cry today but I am lucky to have people who love me and whom I love, and to be safe and well at home.

We are still well.  I hope you are too.

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