It wasn't too hot last night so I'm not sure why I had such a hard time sleeping. I slept late but felt like I'd been run over and had a headache.
Something big got into the greenhouse last night. Whatever it was, it moved the greenhouse enough to pull the posts out that hold the base together. Bex and I set a camera up in the back tonight to see if we can capture anything.
I got some pretzels started this morning and let the dough rest for a couple hours to develop more sourdough flavor. By the time I started to work with it, it had gone all "sourdough" on me, meaning sticky, sticky, sticky. Thankfully Jess had talked to me about how to handle sourdough - with wet hands. There was no way to roll it into ropes or twist it. Trying to twist it, they ended up a blob. So I decided to pull the dough into strips and make soft pretzel sticks. I put them in the oven after it cooled down. They were really good! Bex and I kept going back for more. "Want to split one with me?" And then shortly after, we split another one. Soft, chewy, slightly crisp on the bottom and edges, just the right amount of salt. I have a lot of discard built up in the fridge, so I am thinking about making some tomorrow with maybe garlic and herbs.
Jess ordered groceries for us that I will pick up from her doorstep tomorrow.
We made pizza and watched a little bit of Gordon Ramsey's cooking adventures.
We are well. I hope you are too.
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