Up on time! And it was dark. It's been a while since I've been up and went outside at dawn and it felt really good. Fresh and clean and a good start to the day.
There was big coyote scat on the other side of Loretta again, which means the Ring camera isn't capturing anything. I decided rather than scoot it into the weeds I'm going to start pooper scooping and tossing it so the coyote doesn't think that it's okay.
It was a long one and busy for work but we are getting things done.
Bex and I went out to drop something off at the library and while we were out, I dropped Loretta's tire at the shop again. It had deflated after the "repair" as soon as we put it on the car and set it back on the ground. They'll call when it's done tomorrow.
When I went to get the goats, they were acting skittish and looking toward the blackberry bushes. I couldn't see anything. On the way to the barn, I saw big coyote scat again in the same spot I'd cleared it from this morning. After putting the goats in the barn and tucking the chickens away, I decided to apply wolf urine on that spot to show the coyote who's boss. We'll see how well this works. I'm not feeling super confident right now, though I have been concentrating it on the perimeter so I don't scare Oliver. Thing is, I don't think that matters. Ollie has barely been outside the house since I put the wolf urine out. He sits at the slider and stares outside but doesn't stay long when he ventures out.
We had a quiet evening and I stayed up too late. I'm looking forward to climbing into bed.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
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