300. There's a number. My assistant recently found a work slip at the office that my boss left for me 3/27/20 with a due date of 3/30. We all pretty much thought we'd be done with this by the end of March. Thankfully, it was a mistake on her part and was something that didn't need to be done.
Strange times.
I am getting the hang of this early to bed early to rise thing. I woke up before the alarm and tried to get back to sleep but - then the alarm started. And my bladder these days does not let me sleep in much anyway.
It was a busy workday again. Then in the afternoon I dropped Loretta's flat tire off at the shop on my way to the feed store and picked it up on the way home. Thankfully it wasn't a puncture, just some debris apparently got into the bead and it separated enough to deflate. Cleaned up, remounted, sealed, filled, and we'll get it back on the car tomorrow.
Taco Friday today, though it was Taco Bell Friday and my stomach doesn't like those as much as homemade, so I won't be doing that again.
I'm looking forward to the weekend and hoping for a peaceful and productive couple of days.
We are staying safe and well. I hope you are too.
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