Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday - COVID323

I slept in way later than usual!  But it was good rest and what I needed.

I had a couple of quick visits from Jess and Tamily this morning to exchange some tools and eggs and such and catch up a little bit.  It was a good start to the day.

I worked on projects and puzzled over a computer issue most of the day.  I'm hoping I can have that resolved before I go to bed.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday - COVID322

Ah, to sleep in a little.  It felt good this morning.

I did some work and some projects around the house.  I took a trip to pick up feed and then stopped at Jessi's to pick up groceries. I got there before the delivery and was able to visit in the back yard and admire her winter garden. We shared recipes and it was really good to see her.

I got caught up in a crochet project that is cramping my hand but I don't want to stop, and a series on TV that just dropped me with a big cliffhanger that I didn't expect. 

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Friday - COVID321

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night.  I tossed and turned, got up to try to work and see if that would help, but was too tired to do that.  I think I got to sleep around 3am and still got up not too much after the alarm went off.  

It was a busy work day and I was pretty much dragging most of the day.

I made a breakfast biscuit which turned out pretty good.  Separated Pillsbury biscuit in half, put half in a muffin tin, filled with an egg, cooked chorizo, a little salt and pepper, some cheese, and covered with the rest of the biscuit. It looked like a biscuit muffin and turned out good.  I made 8 so there was plenty to have for dinner too because I was too tired to really cook tonight.

I made a run to town to pick up groceries curbside and then fell asleep on the couch watching a show.

I do need to do some work tomorrow but am looking forward to the weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday - COVID320

I got up on time this morning after a good night's sleep, despite the occasional downpours.  Those continued off and on throughout the morning, easing up later in the day.

It was a busy work day with a break to work in the kitchen because I expected the power to be turned off this afternoon so PG&E could replace some equipment. This is the second time I received notice of a shutdown ... that didn't happen. The disruption to the work day was wasted, though I did get some things done.

Salad for dinner tonight because I was in the mood for it.  

Looking forward to the weekend and hoping for an easier day tomorrow.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Wednesday - COVID319

It was sunny and mild when I woke up, the storm having come through hard overnight.  I got chores done and kept an eye out for the coyote, but didn't see anything.  I got some work done and ran out to exchange the wifi we borrowed for one that works.

It started to storm again in the afternoon, and really started pouring at about the time I started chores.  Of course.

I was annoying yesterday at losing a bag of popcorn to the mouse.  Clearly I forgot that when you take away one source of food (they seemed to enjoy the quinoa and semolina flour), they find another, so they went after the popcorn.  Everything that I thought was mouse tasty was sealed up but then I discovered it got into my loose tea.  I spotted it running to a corner on the counter and even though we put Oliver on the counter (one time only) to catch it, he wasn't even interested. I don't know what's wrong with that cat, he was catching them like crazy last year outside.

I cleared things, asked Bex to pick up some containers from the dollar store, and set the trap.  Caught it within 3 minutes.  But the trap is reset for the next one until I get them all.

I fell asleep watching TV on the couch and am looking forward to a good night's sleep in bed.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Tuesday - COVID318

I was up just a little late.  It was sunny outside with no sign of the predicted storm.

I got some work in for the office then stopped to have a video chat with my doctor to review blood test results.  As usual, she says I am very healthy and the numbers are all good, especially cholesterol ratios.  I am going to talk with a nutritionist to get some guidance because despite my best efforts, menopause is doing a number on my body. I love having a medical professional who is part of my team and isn't dictating their opinion as fast and easy as they possibly can. 

We needed to run a couple of errands, so Bex went with me and we picked up a few things, including a new toaster.  Mine's pretty old and poorly designed so I finally decided to find something easier to clean. 

The rain started while we were out and by 5:00 was showing signs of becoming serious. I got the critters in for the night.

I opened a cupboard in the kitchen - one of those that I recently had cleared out and reorganized - and yelled when I was surprised by a mouse at just above eye level.  Bex came out to see what had happened and said she figured that was it because she could tell from my yell.  Remembering an experience my sister had years ago, I put a cover over the new toaster and set a trap in the cupboard.  I have been fighting these suckers since evacuation and just when I think I've won, another pops up. 

I crocheted a bit and transcribed a bit and then decided to head to bed early.  The storm is pounding and the wind has been gusty from time to time but not constant.  I'm seeing photos not only from Mount St. Helena but also from Lakeport showing snow.  It would be nice to wake up to some in the morning but I'm not sure it will happen.  The last time we had snow was January 2002.

Just before bed, I decided to check the cameras that have been out for a couple of days. This was a shocker from the back yard - this morning.

Morning in the Back Yard

We are going to look into how to keep this girl (I am assuming from the way she peed) away from the house and critters without hurting her.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday - 317

It was hard to get up this morning because I went to bed so late last night this morning.  But I did make it up in time to start work on time.  

It was a pretty intense workday and I was able to get a lot done.

Bex and I went out for errands this afternoon and on the way back she spotted the coyote on the hill near the barn.  We were again struck by how very big it is.  

The good news is the goats are staying in their pen during the day.

I made soup tonight for dinner, which was the perfect comfort food on this chilly, chilly night.  I'm not looking forward to the upcoming storm.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Sunday - COVID316

It was cold and I tried to stay in bed as long as I could but it was still dark when I got up.

I got some work done this morning and then picked up curbside groceries.  

Then I spent the afternoon clearing out and reorganizing four cupboards.  It feels great to have it done and I'm looking forward to finishing off the rest.  Maybe next weekend.

Faux Chinese food for dinner because I was beat and Bex made cookies.

When I finally sat down, I was tired and then got so caught up in finding a starting a new crochet pattern that I lost track of time.  

Wishing for another day off but am happy for this weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday - COVID315

I reset the alarm because I wasn't ready to get up, but I still had to drag myself out of bed when it went off again.  I had a lot to do this morning.

I took care of the little critters and then headed down to pick up the part I needed to repair the fence.  The ranch equipment store - if you could call it that - is huge and sprawling on a ranch property and I finally figured out where to go once I entered the one-way driveway and wound my way through.  A friendly older man asked to help me and I explained I'd called the day before about this part.  He remembered and went inside to get it.  He had exactly what I need.  He asked where I got my fencing and I told him - he recognized the place and commiserated about the delay when needing to order things to be delivered.  We chatted for a minute about fencing and I wondered if he carried the net fencing I use.  He does.  And at a better price than what I had purchased last.  I'm not sure what it looks like or if it's the same quality, but it's good to know there are options if I need them.

I dropped off a cake pan to Tammy and then hurried home, really wishing I hadn't drank so much water on the trip. 

I had time to get a cup of coffee and make the fence repair and bring the goats out to the pen before leaving again.  The goats seemed better about staying in the pen.  I think it was the coyote that was making them escape yesterday.  

While I was heading to the barn I noticed a massive dump of scat on the path and took a closer look.  From the look of it and its contents, I'm 99% sure that it's from a black bear.  And of course I haven't had trail cams out for a few weeks.  The deposit was made on the other side of Loretta (the Corvair) so the Ring camera didn't pick up the animal, and it didn't come near the camera.  There's fresh coyote scat over there as well, so that coyote is still roaming around.  Not near the house though.

I got Bella into the carrier and took her to the vet for nail trimming.  Then made a super quick stop at the farmer's market on the way home to get some chorizo - my favorite place to get it.  

When I got Bella out of the carrier, I noticed that she had gotten a little car sick and think I need to find a better place for her to sit in the car in the crate.  I normally let her sit on a lap but don't like having her loose in the car when I'm driving solo.

I worked a little in the afternoon and worked on the big decluttering elephant that I am handling one bite at a time.  It's nice to see some progress as I go.

I set the trail cams out tonight and will see if anything shows up.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday - COVID314

I turned off the alarm to get a little more sleep until Oliver decided walking in front of my face wasn't enough, then that walking on my hair wasn't enough, and he walked on my head.  I didn't want the escalation to get into a pissing match (he's done that before), so I got up to feed him.

Work was going along and then Becca was cooking a late lunch which included some for me when I noticed Moonshine was on the driveway outside the slider.  

I went to investigate and he walked back to the pen in front of me.  About half of the fencing was down and he was leading me to Salsa, who was very well tangled up.

Salsa was really tangled up in there.

I got her out and then set about putting in the replacement fencing that had arrived a week ago that I've been putting off installing because it's a pain in the ass.  I discovered that I ordered less fencing than I had expected - misremembering how much I'd ordered when I got the fencing that's in place now (nearly 12 years ago).  It's a much smaller area.

I replaced the battery and Salsa knew right away not to test the fence anymore.

I went back inside to eat.  I looked out the front window as I got ready to sit down and saw ... a BIG COYOTE walking down the driveway toward the house.  In the freaking daylight.  I opened the window, thinking the noise would scare it off, but it kept coming.  I yelled.  And yelled.  And yelled again.  It finally took off down the hill away from the goat pen but I was shaken.  Becca came out to see what was going on.  Then she yelled, "Mooney!  No!"  And Moonshine jumped over the fence.

She booked it out without shoes, I threw the crocs on and followed.  We caught him and put him back in.  I put in some extra posts to make it look taller so he wouldn't breach.

I got inside, got my food again, looked out the window, and he jumped the fence in a different spot.

We again caught him and put him back and I put more fence posts in to create the taller fence illusion.

I got inside, got my food again, and then saw Moonshine and Salsa on the driveway at the slider.  I notified Bex and grabbed Salsa and put her in the barn early.  Then Bex helped me catch Moonshine and get him inside.  Then we looked at the fence.

They broke the clip off of the battery connection and it was snapping.  The clip had been flung to the middle of the pen.  We turned the battery off.  Fencing was down but not broken.  I lost it then and started to cry.  I was tired from putting the fencing up by myself, hungry because I hadn't eaten a real meal all day - just coffee and a handful of nuts, and befuddled by this problem.  There is no other safe place to easily put the goats.  

I called Tammy later to let her know that I felt dispirited and beaten.  I had even contemplated turning the goats over to someone else to take care of.  Talking it through with her helped.  I got on the phone to my fencing supplier (closed for the weekend) and my feed store (they didn't have the connector I need) and they referred me to a couple other places.  I called a ranch equipment company in Cotati and was told they probably have the piece I need.  He seemed to understand exactly what I was talking about.  I'll go down first thing in the morning to get that.  Then need to take Bella in for an overdue nail trim.  Then will figure out the fencing situation.  

In hindsight, the goats might have been getting out because they knew that coyote was around.  All they wanted to do was get away from that area of the property.  I might be able to use some of the old fencing to make the area bigger but it's going to take a lot of work.  I might also be able to put fencing at the barn, which is something I've wanted to do since we moved here but couldn't block the pasture area where my landlady used to keep her horses sometimes.  She's not keeping them there anymore and has a better place for them set up.  So I can use that area.

I'm pretty beat and frustrated but will hopefully be able to use this a means to a solution for issues I've been having with needing to move the goats across the property from pen to barn and back.  The goats are creatures of habit though and they might not take kindly to being moved, even if it's to a better shelter area.  We'll see.

We are all safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thursday - COVID313

Up in the dark again this morning with a busy day.

I had a rare Zoom video meeting this afternoon.  It was good to be able to hash out a legal problem, get some facts straight, and "meet" a client to have a visual of them.  We've been working together almost a year and I had no idea what he looked like.  

I'm tired and grateful for a shortened week.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wednesday - COVID312

Up on time again in the dark again this morning and an early start on work.

We are staying busy.  That is a good thing.  But I do appreciate shortened holiday weeks.

The morning gave us some hope and joy and relief as I listened, sometimes watched, the inauguration and my boss had three computer monitors going so she could work and pay attention as well.

I was able to work on a couple things around the house after my working hours ended early because of my early start.  Dinner was shredded chicken taco bowl for me and Bex made spaghetti and meatballs for her and Q.

Another early night for me and I hope to sleep well.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday - COVID311

I woke up easy to the alarm this morning, while it was still dark, and had logged 8.5 hours of sleep.  I was a little surprised by that because I did wake up in the middle of the night with the wind shaking everything but I was able to go back to sleep.  The wind blew hard all day, knocking twigs down and blowing small debris around.  I'm glad that it stopped by late afternoon.  There were a few fires kicked up but nothing that threatened us and nothing that spread much.

It was a busy work day.

I got bit by a tick on my knee yesterday and the bite area is bugging me today.  I'm keeping it clean and keeping an eye on it.

I made taco bowls for dinner, something that I learned about when staying with Tammy last year.  I miss seeing her every day.  Emily picked up an incubator a couple weeks ago when they snagged a freshly laid egg at the farm.  They candled it today and discovered that they have a living growing creature to make sure to take care of inside that egg.  That will be exciting to watch.

I've learned to grab a couple of small twigs with oak leaves to give to the goats so they come to the gate in the evening.  Without bribery, it's become a challenge to catch them.  I made the mistake of trusting Salsa and giving both goats their leaves at the same time.  I got Moonshine's leash on, reached for Salsa, who was munching the leaves, and she walked away.  It took quite a while to get her to come close enough for me to be able to get her halter on.

I'm tired early again.  I am going to post the blog now and then read for a while so I don't go to bed too early.  

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Monday - COVID310

I was happy for the day off.  Oliver wouldn't let me sleep in again but that is the way it goes.  It was light enough when I got up that he could go outside right after he ate.

It was a warm day today and I left some windows open to warm up the house for a change.  It lifted my spirits and I was able to get some things done today.  I am still enjoying genealogical research plus some home projects.

It is back to work tomorrow and I am tired early tonight.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday - COVID309

I tried to sleep in but Oliver wouldn't let me.  His method of waking me is to walk around the perimeter of my bed, including in front of my face and over my head, and then lie down in one of the corners for about a minute.  Then he does it again.  And again.  Finally I give in and get up because there's no going back to sleep.

My intention was to get projects done around the house.  Instead my brain set to working out an ancestral puzzle.  One that I discovered partway through (when I thought I'd made a big discovery) that Jess had already found.  I needed to review her work first.  It was still cool, and still lead to another puzzle.  I discovered she tends to stay on the patrilineal course because it's more clear cut, whereas I like to solve the whole puzzle each step of the way.  

I took some time in the afternoon to work on projects but then read for a while.  It's been a lazy yet productive Sunday.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday - COVID308

I slept a little later but not too much.  It was warmer today and the sun is rising a little earlier and setting a little later each day.  

Late morning I took off to go to the farmers market in Santa Rosa to check out a lady that sells sustainable goods.  I enjoyed talking with her and picked up a couple of items.  I was surprised at how big the market was and grateful that everything was spaced out enough that I felt comfortable going.  I've missed going to farmers markets.  I picked up some goat cheese while I was there.

Jess came up this afternoon to return my fruit press that she used to juice gallons of pomegranate juice for her jellies, plus an air conditioner for summer heat and we exchanged some other things, such as dishes I'd brought leftovers home from her.  We took some time to visit outside, which was good.  I love spending time with the kids.  They are smart, loving, funny human beings.

While wandering through the family tree that I linked to in my genealogy search I was surprised to find more royalty in our ancestry.  It's fascinating to see and read about our far distant ancestors.  On both sides of the family we have British and Welsh royalty, and if the research is right (it will take me a long time to confirm it but I really do trust LDS researchers), a direct line to Charlemagne and Louis I.  It was fascinating to read some of the early Welsh history.  It's also interesting to note that my family ties to Wales come from both sides, which could explain my instant feeling of home when I visited in 1978 and my desire to go back.

It's been a long and good day.  I'm looking forward to another tomorrow.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday - COVID307

I turned the alarm off this morning instead of snoozing, I was so tired.  And then I woke up at 7:30, got feet on the floor, looked at the time, and remembered that I was supposed to wake Bex at 7:30 so we could get her car to the shop at 8:00 to be looked over and hopefully diagnosed.  Just as I realized that, she texted me that she was up.  We both hustled to get dressed and go.

We dropped the car off and stopped by Starbuck so Bex could get coffee.  

It was another busy work day with lots to juggle.

I suspected a fuel issue with the car, and when the shop called Bex to let her know they'd diagnosed the problem, that's what it was.  We picked it up because it's driveable now that she knows how to get it started properly, and she'll work over the weekend to earn money for the repairs.  Everything is tight financially.

Angelo lost a tooth today and the girls and I had a joke and gif fest in text about getting money for the tooth fairy when you can't break a $20 and whether or not it's okay to leave an IOU in the kids' piggy bank or under the pillow.

It was a good day and I'm looking forward to time away from the computer this weekend.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thursday - COVID306

I was up early again and work is still super busy.

On days like these I'm going to try to notice or remember something unique about the day other than sitting at the computer working on confidential things I can't talk about.

This evening as I was getting the goats out of the pen for their trip to the barn for the night, I heard a voice behind me.  It was my neighbor telling me hello and commenting that he was walking their dogs.  I saw the two little jumpy pups and knew they were having fun.  But then thought dusk is probably not the best time to be walking leashed bait.  But he is the kind of person you can't say that to because he knows everything and has lived here longer than me, though he doesn't see the wildlife cruising through at dawn and dusk the way I do.

I heard the dogs barking later, so I knew they made it back okay.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday - COVID305

It was a very busy work day.  

Other than ongoing stress and aggravation about the wild creatures annoying me at the house these days, that was about it for the day.  I know the ongoing stress and anger and depression and helplessness over that issue isn't helping my health and I'm finally going to see if I can find someone who can help.  

Hoping for some good sleep tonight.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tuesday - COVID304

Up early so I could make appointments and then it was an intense very busy work day.

We had sandwiches for dinner to keep things simple, and watched a little TV before I started getting drowsy.  It's another intense day planned for tomorrow, so early to bed while I can.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday - COVID303

I made sure to get up on time this morning because I knew I would have a short day.  So the first few hous were focused on work.

Then I shut down the computer and prepared for a planned power outage.  We had received letters on the ranch from PG&E that we would lose power for a few hours today so they could replace some overhead equipment.  I took the time to take down the tree and give the living room a good vacuuming because even artificial trees lose a few needles as you move them around.  Then Bex and I ran out to pick up a couple of things and met up with Tamily when we got home to exchange eggs (soy-free for soy) and yarn and talk a little while giving the goats some attention.

But the power never went off.  As annoying as it would have been to lose it for a few hours, to be told to prepare and then have no communication and have it be fine was worse.  I lost a good chunk of my work day because of it and for nothing.

But it was a productive day in other ways, and that was good enough.  We're just hoping they don't spring an outage on us tomorrow.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday - COVID302

I spent way too much time on the computer today.

But I sleep in a little.

And got some things done at the house.

And Bella's new sweater dress arrived.

I pulled her back at the end because she wanted to check out the newest coyote poop pile.  

The sweater is a little big.  I'm learning how to order based upon her strange measurements.  She has a tiny neck and a barrel chest, so when I go off of chest measurements, she swims in them because they slip over her shoulders.  So I'll go with the neck measurement next time to see how that goes.

I also ordered a new retractable leash (the sweater was an add-on).  The one we have been using suddenly locked up and I could not figure out how to retract it.  I am super careful with making sure the thin tape went back in straight.  I saw there were screws in the side so I grabbed screwdrivers to pull it apart and fix it, but the screwdrivers wouldn't work, so I took a closer look.  And there are triangles instead of space for a flat head or Phillips screwdriver.  So screw them.  I got a cabled line from a different brand.

Bex made little star cakes tonight which I think look awesome but all she can see are the flaws and her learning curve.

We are staying safe and well in this crazy world. I hope you are too.

Saturday - COVID301

I woke up early!  WTF.  I didn't set an alarm but still got up when it was dark.  Good news is that I went to bed early enough that I actually got 8 hours sleep.  So it wasn't early.  But.  Still.

I goofed off on the computer for a while and did some things around the house.  When it's cold, I don't like to move.  I stay still and as bundled up as I can in my warm cave of blankets or hoodie.  When it is warmer in the house, I turn music on and do shit.

Corsica came up to help replace the tire on Loretta.  And brought the groceries I ordered with Jess.  We got the tire on but it looked ... crooked.  And it looked worse when we lowered it to the ground off the jack.  I knew that it was okay but couldn't remember why or what to do to straighten it out.  And then we lifted the car and examined everything closely and thought the car was freaking bent and I was trying to find a way to blame the tow truck driver who changed the tire but that wasn't possible but how could it be bent because it has been fine and just not driven for years?  And then Cory Phoned a Friend whose dad use to have Corvairs before I could call my dad (which would have taken longer) and he explained that it was perfectly fine and suggested we move the car and the wheel would straighten out.  But the car won't start.  So - I tried to start it but, no bueno, so I got in so I could hit the brakes and Jess and Cory pushed it back and then forward again and - TADA!  The tire straightened out.

But it seems to be losing air still.  So - the rim may have gotten slightly out of round when the tire went flat and I didn't change it right away. :(  I'm a bad Corvair mommy.

Then we looked at it closely tried to jump start it and made plans to make it better so that maybe the previous owner will buy it back (for aaaaallll of the $$ Bex has put into it) or we could get it drivable so it could be driven with a for sale sign on it.  Or we keep it because ... we really don't want to let it go.  It's just going to be a pain to fix.  In the meantime, we spiff it up and cover it for the winter and fix the wheel and see what happens next.

Cory gave me some more reflectors for the trailer.  While we were talking about that I told him that I needed to bring my car back to Campways because I think they messed up my hazard lights.  They won't turn on.  So we popped the hood so we could check fuses 'cause he thought that might be it.  Then while I went inside to grab the proper TOOL to do that, Cory thought to turn the car on and check it out.  And he discovered that you don't just punch the button to turn it on.  You have to hold it down or the hazards won't come on.  Same to turn them off.  WTF?

So I am incredibly grateful that I thought to talk to Cory and he checked it out before I went to Campways and said, "Hey guys, my hazards aren't working and you worked on my new-to-me-car and I think you missed something."  And they'd be like, "Girl, your hazards are working."  And I would never be able to go there again out of embarrassment.

Mom called while we were in the midst of all this and I was going to call her back when we were done.  I came inside the house after seeing Corsica off, picked up my phone to call her, and she sent a text saying maybe tomorrow, that it was naptime and she was turning off her phone.  Which she did do because I called and it went straight to voice mail. :(  Waah.  So I wait until tomorrow.  But that is something to look forward to.

And - I forgot to post this last night!  We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday - COVID300

300.  There's a number.  My assistant recently found a work slip at the office that my boss left for me 3/27/20 with a due date of 3/30.  We all pretty much thought we'd be done with this by the end of March.  Thankfully, it was a mistake on her part and was something that didn't need to be done. 

Strange times.

I am getting the hang of this early to bed early to rise thing.  I woke up before the alarm and tried to get back to sleep but - then the alarm started.  And my bladder these days does not let me sleep in much anyway.  

It was a busy workday again.  Then in the afternoon I dropped Loretta's flat tire off at the shop on my way to the feed store and picked it up on the way home.  Thankfully it wasn't a puncture, just some debris apparently got into the bead and it separated enough to deflate.  Cleaned up, remounted, sealed, filled, and we'll get it back on the car tomorrow. 

Taco Friday today, though it was Taco Bell Friday and my stomach doesn't like those as much as homemade, so I won't be doing that again.  

I'm looking forward to the weekend and hoping for a peaceful and productive couple of days.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Thursday - COVID299

I got up on time and got to work early.  I intended to stop early but that didn't happen today - it was pretty busy.

Ollie isn't eating as he normally does so we are stopping the medication that the vet gave us. It was supposed to address the loose stools but they had been pretty much resolved by the time he got in.  I didn't talk to the vet so I wasn't able to ask all the questions I would have.  We decided to stop the meds and keep an eye on him to see if he is closer to normal in the morning.  

Rather than nap on the couch, I decided to go to bed when I started to feel drowsy, so it's an earlier night.

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Wednesday - COVID298 - Weird America

I was pretty happy getting up early this morning, though still bed is warmer and cozier.  I got a head start on work and was moving right along until...

Everything got weird in DC.  So my attention was split between Facebook and Twitter and C-SPAN and work and frankly, not a lot got done.

I dozed on the couch for a while after dinner and then watch a show with Bex.

Ollie isn't eating much today.  The meds might be affecting his appetite.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Tuesday - COVID297

Hi ho, hi ho, another work day at home.  I woke up just before the alarm and really tried to go back to sleep.  It was warm and cozy in bed and a bit chilly outside.  But that didn't work.

I kept Ollie inside so we could get him to the vet for a check-up today.  What drew my attention to him maybe having a problem is that I'm using a cat litter that changes color when there are potential health issues.  It turned green a couple of times just prior to a little bit of loose stool, and so I was ready to get him in for a check-up right away.  Tests show that he has a bit of a parasite load and was a little dehydrated.  We've got him on some meds for a couple of weeks and he's continuing the diet I put him on a few months ago when I noticed the pounds packing on.  I noticed he has lost 3 pounds since his last vet visit last year, so my plan is working for a slow and safe weight adjustment.  

Other than that, not much happening but work today.  I got the vacuum fixed and did a good clean-through of the house.  It's amazing what a good vacuuming can do for your mood.  Especially when you pair it with lots of loud music.

The soup lasted for another day of meals but probably won't make it much past maybe lunch tomorrow.  

I'm tired earlier tonight, probably because of the early rise, so I'll hit the warm and cozy covers shortly.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday - COVID296

It was a Monday workday.  I was able to get up on time without any trouble, though the night was up and down.

It stormed pretty hard this morning and the wind was more fierce than I remember coming through in a long time.  I checked to be sure the chicken coop and trees weren't flying or falling.  The small greenhouse was tossed onto the ground on its back, despite being staked.  I left it until the storm eases.

I made soup for dinner that will last a couple days.

Oliver seems to be a little bit off so we'll bring him to the vet in the morning to be checked out and make sure he's okay.

We're safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday - COVID295

I had plans but needed some "laziness" today.  I puttered and worked on a blanket I'd started this summer.  

A big coyote walked by the Ring camera this morning. I'm having some challenges in uploading the short video to the blog, so Facebook will have to do for now.

It's hard to believe the long weekend is already almost over but it was nice.  I'll get to bed a little earlier tonight (I've already snoozed on the couch for about an hour, missing the program I was watching and I'll have to go back to see what I've missed).

We are safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday - COVID294

What I forgot to mention last night is that I splashed boiling water just above my wrist while cooking.  Jess and Cory had burn salve and I iced it and by the time I went to bed the pain was gone.  One small blister that is deflated today.

I slept as long as I wanted to, to about 8:30 am.  I was pleased to clock more than 9 hours of sleep.  I needed it.

I had plans to do things around the house today but am pretty tired so did a couple of things and did some transcription work.  I made butternut squash soup from a recipe Jess sent me.  She always has some good finds and I'm grateful she shares.

It's was more computer work than work around the homestead, but I got my projects done and submitted the bill for the month.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Friday - COVID293

I worked in the morning after waking up early without an alarm.  Oliver was his unhappy self about that because when I get up and it's still dark outside, he's not allowed outside.

Midafternoon, Bex and I packed the car with food and some Christmas gifts that had been delivered after the holiday, and headed to Jessi's.  We had our small pod dinner after an additional week of staying home consisting of our traditional Christmas Eve food.  It was dark when we were done, so rather than walk to the square to see Charlie Brown's Christmas trees, I headed home to make sure the goats were safe in the barn.

We are staying safe and well.  I hope you are too.