I skipped a couple of days because we lost power Sunday until Monday evening and the blog flew out of my head last night.
It's hard to remember the last couple of days other than we did some errands and got food to go on the nights we had no power. Cory and Jess brought up the trailer and it looks GREAT. I need to paint it and do lots of practice towing. It's good to have it here in case we need it.
Facebook knows first that there's been a lot of animal activity on the farm the last few days, including a young fox and a bobcat checking out the chicken coop in the early morning hours of yesterday and today.
Just as the sun was beginning to think about setting, I heard a loud noise I didn't recognize. By the time I got to the sliding glass door on the side of the house with the chickens, Oliver the cat was staring at the door and the chickens were making a huge ruckus. I shook the door loudly, opened it and closed it loudly, and saw a bobcat actually making its exit from the chicken coop. I started yelling at it as I walked (slowly) down the steps toward the coop until it went into the blackberry bushes. I secured the door with the bent latch and called Bex with shaking hands to talk it through.
The chickens are okay and I got there just in time because the bobcat was halfway through the coop on its way to a tasty meal. The top of the chicken run was dented out near the door where it likely jumped up when I made my appearance before it found the doorway out. I've wired everything closed and put a crate and bricks and a 5 gallon bottle of water on the entrance the bobcat used this evening. We'll be putting the animals in even earlier and will be securing the coop even more tomorrow. I've ordered some solar motion activated lights to mount on the coop and some alarms for the doors and have plans to make the edges spikey and maybe even create another perimeter around the coop and run.
We're all safe and well tonight. I hope you are too.
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