When I went to bed last night, I was so tired I didn't even have time to cry. I slept pretty well but my phone became unplugged from the charger and I groggily woke up later than expected to a darkened orange light.
It was bizarre seeing streetlights on at 9:00 a.m. as I gassed up before heading to the fairgrounds.
On the way home, I received a text from Kaiser offering help with bills due to all the crazy impacting people, so I called to find out what could be done. In the midst of the evacuation I feared I had missed a payment on my plan, and knew that more had been incurred with my recent ER visit. The woman who I spoke to was kind and helpful and empathetic. She's in Southern California and said that while their fires were bad, she could see how hard fire was hitting us. She gave me something I could work with and when we were done she said she was thinking of us and hoping for the best. I told her that I'm thinking of them too, and that as far apart as we are, we are all Californians and I know that we can pull through this together. It was the second time I had started to cry during the call, and she said she was tearing up. It was a heartfelt and needed connection.
I called Mom and spoke with her and Dad after that, catching up and reconnecting. That break and connection really sustained me through the rest of the day.
I worked for a bit when getting back to Tammy's though my concentration is pretty well shot.
I met up with Bex at the fairgrounds for evening chores. It was the first time she'd been there during an evacuation, since she'd been in The City last year. We enjoyed walking the goats, and avoided the bucks at the other end of the barn area. We got to the end of their barn and it was like a literal wall of foul air that we backed out of and set off in a different direction to stay away from. After the goats, we went to take care of the chickens and stopped to look at and photograph the large herd of goats and their guardian dogs. We've found a new favorite breed of dog in the Maremma Sheepdog.
I got dinner at Smokin' Bowls before going back to Tammy's. We watched television and crocheted late, and both of us are pretty tired.
Bella was licking her leg, and when I looked to see what she was doing, I mistook her dewclaw for what I feared was a deeply embedded tick. Tammy suggested I look at the other leg, and there was another identical "tick." LOL Because she was bothering it so much, Tam found some vet wrap so we could protect it for the night. Bella got all comfy and trusting on my lap and totally relaxed.
I'm not sure if we'll return home tomorrow or Friday. Weather and the ability of the fairgrounds to host us will help determine that in the morning.
We are safe and well and blessed. I hope you are too.
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