I got up on time and got plenty of work done today. Bex went to a friend's house. About the time I was thinking of checking in with her on when she planned to come home, I got a PulsePoint notification of a vegetation fire nearby. I sat up, turned off the TV, and got busy. Below is what I posted on Facebook after I had a chance to settle down.
I find myself starting over again, creating new goals and being amazed at how I find my way through and to this new way of living. I am daring to dream bigger now, realizing that it may actually be possible to have all that I wish for, a life that brings deep joy that is found in honest work performed with heart. This path started with a dream barely formed, and that dream continues to take shape in surprising ways.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday - COVID197 and FIRE41
Monday, September 28, 2020
Monday - COVID196 and FIRE40
Bex woke me at about 8am as I'd requested. I wanted to go back to sleep so bad but had to pee, and by the time I did that and fed the little animals, there was no going back to sleep.
The Shady Fire still roars on and further evacuations were ordered in the four hours I slept as it gets closer to Santa Rosa proper. The horizon was blanketed in dark smoke and the sky was brown, sun orange.
The day was intense, both with work and with watching the fire. Finally late in the day, Bex and I drove to town together to pick up a pizza for dinner and it felt good to both of us to drive and listen to music and not think constantly about the fire and threat of fire and past fire experiences.
I had a chance to talk to my parents and to Tam today.
The air cleared when we went out and I actually smelled skunk when we did chores. But within an hour or two, the air turned smoky again and I needed to close the window that was letting cool air into the 80-degree-house. I heard a helicopter overhead but because the radar app I use is down, I couldn't see what it was or where it was heading. I had to let that go. Maybe it was REACH on its way to help someone in need.
So we scan the maps again before bed and stay packed and ready to go and hope to get some rest tonight. It's hard to be sleepy but not want to sleep.
With all that is going on, we are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Sunday - COVID195 and FIRE39
I tossed and turned last night. I didn't want to get up but body aches told me it would be better if I did.
Thanks to Jon, we have the 2x4s we need to finish the trailer. We expect to work on that next weekend, if the place is still standing.
I made lemongrass paste which is an ingredient in the curry paste I intended to also make, but I was pretty pooped after that. I put some of that into a jar and brought it to Jess when I picked up groceries in the evening from her house. I also picked up from the mailbox a Sunday delivery of another cute outfit for Bella. It was too hot to try it on her but I am looking forward to it!
While we watched the Glass Fire in Napa County, suddenly new fires sprang up closer to family and friends in Santa Rosa. About the time I was tracking the new Shady Fire, I received notification of a fire closer to home outside of Monte Rio. It was a tense night, putting everything in the car except for two bags and the pet carriers. I watched in horror as the fire approached Santa Rosa and began to eat at the senior living community of Oakmont, burning everything in its path along Highway 12 and beginning to overlap the horror of the Tubbs Fire in 2017.
I got work about 2:30 a.m. that the fire in Monte Rio was contained to about an acre and had been started by a homeless encampment. It took until 4:00 a.m. for me to finally get tired enough to try to sleep - fully clothed. I sent a text to Bex asking her to wake me when she got the message.
We are tired and stressed but we are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Saturday - COVID194 and FIRE38
I woke up early, surprisingly, since the wind kept waking me up overnight. All I could think about was hidden smoldering logs and trees catching fire with the strong dose of oxygen. All was well when I woke, and I started the day ready to get some work done on the trailer.
Jessica and I started replacing the temporary screws in the trailer and then Tammy joined us to cut and install support 2x4s inside the trailer. We called it a day when we ran out of 2x4s and only have 4 more to install before we can put on the roof and door. It's close and is looking good!
I spent the afternoon recovering.
The wind has kicked up again in a big way. Our inside gear is packed and ready in case we need to evacuate again and we're keeping an eye on maps.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Friday - COVID193 and FIRE37
I thought I could get a good morning's work in but overslept AGAIN, this time until 10am! I am so tired and am not sure why.
I kept busy all day and then relaxed after dinner. The wind kicked up tonight and I smell smoke. There's no activity that I can see but it put me on edge enough to pull together things more that need to be taken from the house. This is frustrating and stressful and enervating.
We'll work on the trailer tomorrow and I hope I find my energy again.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Thursday - COVID192 and FIRE36
I turned off the alarm. And then I rolled out of bed quickly and started moving before looking at the clock to confirm my suspicion - I got up late. I had an hour to do chores, get dressed, AND to travel to south Santa Rosa. Thankfully I wasn't too late and they were not at all put out. I have a feeling since they opened at 9am, they were grateful that I wasn't standing at the door when it was unlocked.
The estimate was 1 1/2 to 2 hours and they had the trailer hitch installed in a little over an hour. I was told they had more people available to work on it so it went more quickly. I chose the right receiver and ball, they put put that together for me. Paid and walked out feeling accomplished.
I picked up some feed on my way to Jessi's to drop off a few food items to her I've been collecting.
I had a Zoom conference with my workmates shortly after arriving home which was productive.
Bella checked out the chickens today and then got spooked when one of them made a loud noise in the nesting box. She is sporting her new PJs from Mom tonight.
Bex made Alfredo pasta for dinner and I helped. It is always good! She makes the sauce from scratch and is quite the pro at it.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Wednesday - COVID191 and FIRE35
I got up on time this morning and easily made my appointment. I was able to dive into work but about halfway through really just wanted to take a break for the day. I made it through, despite feeling kind of off.
I made salsa and we layered that with other ingredients for taco bowls tonight. It turned out good.
We watched TV too late and I need to be up on time to get the car in for the trailer hitch install tomorrow morning.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Tuesday - COVID190 and FIRE35
Damn, I was tired. I turned off the alarm and slept until 9am.
It was a work day. I was going to get chicken feed and forgot about it. Luckily I don't wait until the last minute, so I can order it tomorrow for curbside pickup and the chickens won't go hungry.
A helicopter flew over this afternoon which created a little feeling of panic. Bex and I both pull out our phones to check maps and media and radar tracker. I kept the radar app open until the flight ended for the second copter that flew over was done. It is hanging out over Walbridge and I know there are a couple spots that are being troublesome and the fire is not fully contained yet. I'm getting better at getting through the scares.
I made enchilada sauce from scratch. Need to make salsa next and then I can make the dinner I'm planning. I also have Thai recipes on the list to make. It's been challenging finding the energy after working all day.
I relaxed with Bex this evening and wasn't tired (still am not) so stayed up late. I have an 8am appointment so I am making myself try to sleep.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Monday - COVID189 and FIRE34
I had a hard time getting up with the alarm this morning. As I was getting ready to go to bed last night, I received a notification of a vegetation fire near Guerneville. I waited until they said forward progress was stopped and two hours for mop-up, and then had a hard time coming down from the preparation Bex and I did to be 100% ready to go.
It was Monday, so a work day. I took a long lunch to spend time with Bex.
While we were evacuated, the mice decided that this would be a good place to hang out. I've set a Rat Zapper under the sink in my bathroom and have been catching one, two, and sometimes three a day since we returned, sometimes two at a time. Yesterday, the light was blinking so I took the trap outside to dump it. And all that fell out was a Q-Tip. Are they that smart or was it accidental? I quit baiting the trap after that because the Q-Tip triggered the plate, turning it off, and the bait was gone. I can't believe they were smart enough to do that deliberately. The trap works fine without bait.
It's been a long Monday, a little warm this afternoon, but apparently not as hot as it will be next weekend. We're bracing ourselves for anything.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Sunday - COVID188 and FIRE33
I slept past 7 again and it was nice. It was smoky again today and I couldn't see the hills or Mt. St. Helena.
The morning sped by and Bex and I went out to pick up groceries from Jess. We stopped in quickly at the Thai market and fell in love with the place and all of the fascinating food there. I'll be making lemongrass paste to use in the curry paste recipe Jess gave me. Then of course I use the curry paste for the curry dish I made this week and we loved. I'm sure our cooking repertoire will be expanding with this new culinary adventure.
Bex and I watched TV and I crocheted again. I'm on the second square of a blanket that I've merged two patterns to create and I think I finally figured out how it should work. The center is the most fun to make.
I can't believe it's the end of the weekend already and my list of things to do is not much shorter than it was Friday night. But I was able to rest some and needed that.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Saturday - COVID187 and FIRE32
I slept an hour later than my alarm would normally be set on a weekday. The sun is doing a good job of waking me up again. The sky is clear overhead but the hills are missing from my view again.
I puttered around a bit this morning and started clearing the mess on my desk and shredding documents. Bex got donuts.
Then Jessi and Cory brought the trailer up with a load of wood and tools. We started getting the walls in place on the trailer. It was a lot of work and a bit warm outside. We knew going in that we would not finish today, so the walls are set, door cut, and it awaits the next part when we're ready. There's plenty of room for the goats, and possibly space to create a partition to put the chicken crate in as well.
Bella had a good time hanging out with us for a while. She's getting more and more confident these days.
I have some work to do tomorrow but am looking forward to getting some things squared away at the house too.
Bex smelled smoke this morning, and I went outside and concurred. We both pulled up maps and information and I discovered there was a controlled burn in Santa Rosa that might have caused it. Later in the day, I found out that there were a couple of logs burning within the containment area of Walbridge. They're letting them burn as they believe there's no danger. I hope the winds stay calm.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Friday - COVID186 and FIRE31
It was a work day. I typically begin taking notes when I get up but apparently there was nothing noteworthy and I can't remember much. I started off under the covers last night and cold, but inexplicably warmed up overnight.
I needed to get alfalfa today, so Bex went with me for curbside pickup and drive. We took several boxes and bags of donations to Goodwill as well.
The sky was blue, though Mt. St. Helena went smoky again. We still pay attention to helicopters and keep watch on maps and radar.
It was a quiet evening. Tomorrow will be busier, as we'll be doing things around the house and Jess and Cory will bring the trailer.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Thursday - COVID185 and FIRE30
I woke up just before the alarm this morning and realized that I should have set it earlier to be able to get to the dealership for the Equinox repair more comfortably.
The dealer fixed the car within an hour and I comfortably sat well distanced from a handful of masked people and crocheted. After that, Bex and I ran down to town for a couple things. I worked in between.
I think I smelled smoke through the open window in the living room tonight but see no orange, and nothing on maps or flight trackers. It could be a wind shift that is blowing the smell this direction. It sucks.
We are safe and well and finding our way. I hope you are too.
Wednesday - COVID184 and FIRE29
I slept poorly again last night, with more nightmares, and had a mild headache this morning. The headache didn't last long but I could feel I needed more rest.
It was a pretty focused day on work. I was able to get one task completed and make good headway on catching up on office work that was neglected during last week's evacuation.
I received a perfect pick-me-up in a card with a thoughtful tea bag from Tammy encouraging me to relax. Bex visited with a friend and I took the opportunity this evening to do just that.
It's later than I expected to go to bed and I need to get up on time. I need to get the new Equinox in to the dealership so they can complete a recall that is being required by DMV before they will release the title to the vehicle.
The day was warmer today but the nights and mornings damp and cool. I hope that stays and we don't have more fire trouble, though I know that "real" fire season doesn't really begin until October.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Tuesday - COVID183 and FIRE28
Because I didn't get to bed until 3am, I turned off the alarm and slept until 10am today. The benefits of flexible hours for remote work.
It was cool outside so the animals were fine, and the overcast is probably one reason I was able to sleep so long. Typically the sun shines into my eyes and makes it impossible.
Reports from a community Zoom meeting show that there has been activity within the containment lines that has been of concern, which is why the helicopters are hovering. National Guard is leaving today.
I've ordered the parts for the trailer hitch to go onto the Equinox and Cory has a trailer I can use. We'll get that set up for animal transport so I can be better prepared.
Speaking of the Equinox, the dealership contacted me to say that DMV requires a recall correction to be done before they'll issue title. So I need to get that taken care of. I scheduled an appointment for this week.
It was an intense numbers afternoon for work and then we needed to figure out what we wanted to do for dinner. Bex made her famous Alfredo and we stayed up late again. We made curry last night and loved it so much I need to make curry paste from the recipe Jess shared so we can have more.
I heard a helicopter today but did not see any information about new flare-ups. There are a couple of hot spots they are still keeping an eye on.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Monday - COVID182 and FIRE27
I slept hard last night and past my alarm. I kept waking up from a recurring nightmare about fire coming. When I took the dog out this morning, the smell in the air had changed from active fire smoke to wet burned out campfire.
I worked this morning and then spoke with my therapist, who provided some tools guidelines help me through. Bex made brunch. We relaxed for a little before I finished work.
The evening was spent mostly working on a crochet project and making a curry dish for dinner. It turned out great and used curry paste made from scratch by Jess. I'll be getting the ingredients to make more next week.
The fires stayed quiet, though it was quite unnerving when a helicopter from the forest service passed overhead with a bucket. I watched it on radar over the next hour or so just hanging out over the fire zone as a plane passed over in a grid, apparently mapping the fire. I never know whether to be worried or relieved when I see those. I suppose it is a bit of both.
It's after 1am and I'm not a bit tired but I'm going to try to get some sleep.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Sunday - COVID181 and FIRE26
I went to bed early last night and slept 9 hours, but fitfully in the middle of the night. I was up at 7 without the alarm.
I was well on my way to a normal morning, expecting to Tetris the cars in the afternoon, when I got word that there was a flare-up behind our property. We stepped into high gear, with my hands shaking again as the adrenaline rush started, and got everything ready. Jess came up to take some items that we don't need but want to keep safe. We are now as ready as we can be and hoping this stops soon.
It took a while to get things sorted in the cars and I was tense and tired after. I did some things around the house, worked for a bit, then crocheted a bit. Bex and I decided to get dinner to go and drove to town to pick it up together. Since we came back right after the sun went down, we were able to scan the horizon on the way home and could see no orange glow. We felt better. The flare-up was addressed and a reported fire in Dry Creek as well.
We're tired and worried but trying to get to an alert relaxed state.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Saturday - COVID180 and FIRE25
I slept well when I got to bed last night - REALLY LATE. I woke up past when the alarm would normally go off. My bedroom smells a little smoky but the HEPA filter running next to my desk did a good job overnight.
I was running late to the fairgrounds. I arrived and texted Tammy to let her know I'd wait at the goats until Jess arrived and then go to chickens. They were both there and at the chickens. But by the time I got ready to go over there, the volunteer arrived to haul the animals.
We got the horses in first. Tiny Summer, the mini horse, leaped in like a pro after Lily loaded up all dignified. We thought we'd have to help her in. My goats went in next, then Bette's goats. I stayed inside with them until they were all loaded, and then took all the leads off and slipped out. No escapes!
Tammy and I headed to the chickens while the rest of the crew busted their butts to clean stalls in record time. The chickens loaded into the crates fairly easily. I am always amazed at how mild-mannered Yellow the rooster is. We swept out the coops and loaded the birds into my car. Then headed back to the goats.
I followed the trailer to Bette's place, and could not for the life of me remember where I'd put the lead lines until the second trip back to the car. All the animals were put in their proper places, and then we all hung out and talked until the tow truck arrived. Our CART volunteer got a flat on her trailer! We tried valiantly to change it ourselves but could not get the lug nuts loose.
While we were waiting, Jess and Lorna ran to town to pick up sandwiches. By the time they got back, the trailer was fixed in record time (the guy arrived in half the time estimated) and Tamily had left, so four of us enjoyed sandwiches and fruit in the back yard.
Then I got myself and the house a little bit ready for the housecleaner who was due to arrive in a half hour. She is amazing. I kept wanting to stop after each job she did, but she wanted to help. My kitchen and both bathrooms are sparkling, and she washed a window and cleaned the huge mirrors in my bedroom, and mopped the laundry room on her way out just because it seemed she couldn't help herself. While she did her thing, I tidied up a little in the living room and then started sorting through the mess on my desk.
I enjoyed howling with my neighbor again. Bex and I had dinner and watched a show and I got tired early. It's been a long day.
We are loved and safe and well. I hope you are too.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Thursday/Friday - COVID178/179 and FIRE23/24 and EVAC1.4/1.5
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Wednesday - COVID177 and FIRE22 and EVAC1.3
When I went to bed last night, I was so tired I didn't even have time to cry. I slept pretty well but my phone became unplugged from the charger and I groggily woke up later than expected to a darkened orange light.
It was bizarre seeing streetlights on at 9:00 a.m. as I gassed up before heading to the fairgrounds.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Tuesday - COVID176 and FIRE21 and EVAC1.2
I slept fitfully last night and feel like crap this morning. My throat and lungs felt raw and I know it's probably because I was packing up last night without thinking to put on a mask because we had to get out so quickly.
After letting my office know what happened, I went to the fairgrounds with Tam to check on the animals. All seemed okay and the goats were next to my neighbor's animals. The only other animals at the fairgrounds are a set of goats, including stinky bucks, in a distant barn, and a substantial herd of goats near where my chickens are housed.
My goats weren't eating the grass hay and the fairgrounds had no alfalfa, so I went to the feed store for bowls, feed, and some treats. I was going to get chicken feed but thought they had some so decided against the extra expense. (I just bought all of this feed at home last week!) As it turned out last night, they had a bag of scratch, which isn't really feed. So I need to get more on Wednesday.
The goats nibbled at the feed but seemed to still be off their food. I didn't add anything but a little hay for them when we went back in the evening.
There wasn't much time to relax today, between trips to the store and fairgrounds. I'm hoping to sleep well.
I've seen reports that all orders and warnings in our area are lifted but the information is confusing, so I am waiting until the morning to look deeper into what's going on and make decisions.
We are still safe and well. I hope you are too.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Monday - COVID whatever and FIREwhatever and EVAC1.1
Geez what a day.
It was still hot when I woke up. I was able to cool the house a little but not much. The temps were climbing at a ridiculous rate as I shut down the house and knew this was going to be an uncomfortable day.
The thermometer at the back of the house read 118 when Bex and I left at 2:30 to run errands in the air conditioned car. We got back and it was 97 degrees inside the house. 115 outside. We sat and sweated and watched a movie.
I talked to my boss around 8pm and my neighbor and I were texting because she could see a flare-up of the Walbridge fire behind the house. After I got off the phone, I walked to the front of the house and could see red sky between the trees, and it was not the sunset. We agreed it didn't look good and started packing. I turned on the scanner in my bluetooth and the first thing I heard was "I'm issuing an evacuation for Sweetwater Springs and Westside."
I kicked into gear and so did Bex. I called Tam and Jess and they started heading toward me. We started putting things into the cars and calling for the cat. I called about animal evac and left a message. Bex went outside at about 9:15 with a load for the car and she called out to me, "Mom. There's a helicopter and they're talking to us." I went outside to hear commands that we were to leave immediately. We finished loading the car and found Oliver, who had been cooling down in a secluded spot outside. Jess called and said she could see flames from where she was on the freeway, to open the coop and barn, and GO NOW. Bex was in tears as we did so, and I broke down in the car. The goats came to the driveway as Becca was turning around to follow me out.
I called Flat Broke again to leave an updated message and was able to talk to Erica. She reassured me that we did what we needed to. When you have a helicopter telling you to get out now, you do so.
I told Jess we were on our way out, and everyone convened at Jessica's house. In the meantime, Amanda had contacted my parents and Sonoma CART to arrange evacuation for the animals. Within an hour, I was letting them know how to find the animals and I got word they had all been loaded up safely and were on their way to the fairgrounds.
It was after 1am before I calmed down enough to get to Tammy's. I've been home less than a week, and now this. Lots of plans are being made for the future. I can't keep doing this.
We got out, firefighters are all over this, and I saw tons of trucks headed the other direction as I left I'm hopeful but resigned and tired. There are things I remembered this time and things I forgot. Luckily, not everything got unpacked. I knew we shouldn't.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Saturday - COVID173 and FIRE18
No alarm this morning but I woke up close to the usual time. The smoke is bad this morning so I fired up the new air filter that arrived yesterday. It helped clear the air during the day until the smoke cleared up outside.
Bex and I headed out to meet up with Tamily and Zoey for a puppy playdate, and halfway down the driveway I realized I'd forgotten Bella! We went back and picked her up and headed to the dog park in Windsor. I hadn't looked closely at it before and my memory was grass was wrong. We put the dogs in for a while - it was covered in bark - and they wandered around and pooped and peed but really didn't play. It was hot, and that was understandable. There wasn't anyplace for us to comfortably relax, and other dogs kept coming in. We did enjoy our time and now both dogs have mini tennis balls so we can teach them better how to fetch.
Tam checked out Badger Park after we left, and Bex and I checked out the park next to Villa Chanticleer. The one at the villa is better for big dogs and we didn't see anything designated for small dogs. Tam reported that Badger Park is perfect, so we will try that during the week sometime when there is likely to be fewer people and pets there.
It was too hot to do much of anything when we got home. Bex went out later to pick up the grocery order from Jess. About the time the air outside started to cool down, the smoke increased substantially, so we are not going to get much of a cool-down overnight. Having the smoke show up at night is making this heat wave even more miserable.
We are staying hydrated and are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Friday - COVID172 and FIRE17
It was nice to have everyone back in the house last night. Ollie was standoffish until this morning, when I found him at the end of my bed as usual. And as usual, after he ate his breakfast, he was at the slider asking to go out.
I worked most of the day, taking a break in the afternoon to pick up feed with Bex and stop by Jessi's to pick up a couple of things. Work again for a while and then a relaxing evening with dinner. I'm looking forward to a three-day weekend and hope to get things done around the house and find time to enjoy some relaxation. We've planned a puppy playdate with Tamily and Zoey and I'm looking forward to that.
The smoke started coming in the windows at about 10pm, so I had to shut everything down when I was hoping to cool the house down. We saw several fire engines on Westside this afternoon, going to and fro and up side streets. It's comforting to know they're around.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Thursday - COVID171 and FIRE16
I set my alarm an hour early so I could work on getting the hens into their crate and overslept. The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that it smelled like smoke. It has been pretty bad in the morning.
I spent a half hour in an N95 mask sweating and trying to get the chickens to come out of the coop. Jon came up to help me load the hens, but by the time he arrived, I had just found out that I couldn't get them in to the vet today as they had a packed schedule. They were going to try to find a slot for us but it may not be until Saturday. Barni was likely uncomfortable but not in pain and was acting normally. Saturday would be okay.
I did some work, all the time wishing I could clean up this house and put away things we evacuated with and find spots to store other things for easy access for the next time. I've quit saying "in case there is a next time."
The vet's office called to let me know that they had a cancellation and I could get Barni in. I was able to catch one of the Americaunas, Brownie, and brought her too to see if there's a physical reason why she quit laying this spring.
Barnie's fluid retention is likely due to cancer or a serious reproductive issue. The only way to determine the exact cause is ultrasound or exploratory surgery with an avian specialist, such as UC Davis. Even if we determined the cause, there is really no solution to the problem. I reluctantly made the decision to let her go and know that our vet's gentle hands and kind nature would be with her when she did. Brownie is the picture of health with no apparent issues. We talked more about whether there was anything traumatic - prior to the past two weeks of course - that could have caused emotional upset in the hens. I told her about the bobcat that appeared on the property at about the same time the Americaunas stopped laying, and she thinks that is likely the cause. They can stop laying for months after something like that, so I'll be patient and see what happens.
I went to Jessica's for birthday dinner for Q and got back late. It's been an up and down day, ending on a good note.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Wednesday - COVID170 and FIRE15
It was a jam-packed day.
I tossed and turned last night and had a hard time reaching my alarm when I woke up because I had to roll over to get it from the far side of the bed. It's good to be home and in my own bed but normal takes getting used to again after two weeks away.
Work was intense and was packed in around other happenings on the farm.
Tammy and Emily came up to greet the goats and chickens when they came home. They were happy to get out of the trailer and their crates.
Yellow clucked like a happy hen as soon as he started walking around the coop. He was especially happy when Emily fed him mealworms.
One of the hens has "water belly," which I looked up for more information. It's typically a disorder in older or meat hens but can be brought on by stress. It's incurable and the only thing to do is drain fluid, which keeps coming back so more drainage. She will be uncomfortable, and looks uncomfortable now. I found out my vet will also take care of my chickens, so I'm going to bring Barni in as well as the Americaunas tomorrow. If we're right and Barni has water belly, I am going to allow her to go humanely so she does not suffer more. I am hoping the vet will have answers about why the Americaunas have not been laying and also hope it is not bad news.
I found the leak and it was a gusher. The workers arrived around 3pm to begin moving logs off of it and clear blackberry bushes and dig the hole so they could repair it. By 7pm I had running water again at full pressure. What a relief!
Bex and Ollie will return tomorrow. It will be nice to have that cat back, and I'm sure he will be happy to be home. He has literally almost been climbing the walls, staying indoors for over two weeks now.
Bex came home to pick up a couple things for tonight and brought me dinner - including a peach-basil margarita from El Gallo Negro. The perfect way to end a long day.
It's been a long day and I still have worries for tomorrow. Not sure how I will load three out of five chickens into a carrier by myself but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Tuesday - COVID169 and EVAC14
Two weeks ago today, my village helped pack up our most essential and hard to replace belongings and the animals and head out amidst a shower of ash and burnt leaves. I have been so blessed to be able to stay with Tammy and Emily. Being together this long means it's harder to be apart, but it's renewed in us a determination to not let contact slide and to schedule regular time together.
After working in the morning, Tam and I loaded up my car and then I headed home. There's a leak in the water line to my house, so it's likely water will be turned off today until it's repaired. Our repair guy is busy harvesting grapes so we're not sure when that will happen.
The house is a little smokey inside and musty. There's a ton to do and I am exhausted. I partially unpacked and went through the mail. I let the gal taking care of my animals know that it's safe to bring them back tomorrow. I cleaned out water containers and got them refilled. Everything was filled with gunky ash.
I took some time to relax in the afternoon, then washed some things up in the kitchen and contemplated the refrigerator, which I will deal with tomorrow. Bex came up to spend the evening with me and then returned to running water at her sister's until things are settled here.
I am overwhelmed by the supportive messages and kind offers I have received today. I am truly blessed with an amazing circle of friends.
Arrangements have been finalized for the animals to return in the morning. We hope to get some good homecoming photos. I am excited to see them again and for things to return to more normal. The reports from where they have been staying is that Yellow the rooster is sweet the the goats are great. I'm really happy they are behaving themselves.
It's been a long day. I am grateful to be loved, safe, and well. I hope you are too.
Monday - COVID168 and EVAC13
I am wishing for that awesome night's sleep from a few days ago. I wasn't as achy this morning. The smoke outside was pretty bad this morning.
After doing some work, Tam and I headed out for an afternoon of errands. We stopped by Home Depot to get more blocks for the fruit press, then dropped off the press to Jessica so she can use it to process pomegranates. We went to the post office, but I turned on my heel inside and decided to go later because there was a line of about 12 inside, with a cluster of a family at the desk. It was going to take too long and there were too many people in one room for me to feel comfortable.
We headed out to my place to see how things looked. The road was clear with little traffic. Bonus: No Bicycles! It had been smokey all morning and while the air was better outside of Healdsburg, it was still pretty bad. The house looks good. There are burned leaves and ash all over. The house smells slightly of smoke but not much because I had left windows open. I left them open still to air out. The wading pool in the back was filled with ash and gunk but the garden looked better than I expected. Peppers and tomatoes are thriving, and I think the basil and indigo will recover, though they were in poor shape. The mint in the pot died but the mint that had grown up on the ground was thriving. Many of my seedlings in the greenhouse were wilted. The lemon tree took five steps back after my babying it the last year but it will recover. The wisteria looked sad for the first time ever. Tammy gathered tomatoes and jalapenos and I watered the garden well, then we collected the dried indigo leaves. I hope they will still be useful.
The fridge is full of spoiled food after almost two weeks away, and the produce in the kitchen had spoiled. There will be some clean-up to do tomorrow and I'll need to prepare for the animals to return on Wednesday. My mail was delivered and I asked Bex to pick it up, but it wasn't there when she arrived. My neighbor had picked it up for me since she hadn't seen any activity at our place, and I'll get it from her tomorrow. I still need to get the mail that has been held at the post office.
We finished Yellowstone last night with a humongous cliffhanger that we have to wait a year to see resolved.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.