I've had a headache the past couple of mornings. Possibly from the smoke.
I worked for a bit this morning. Transcription work has been put on hold until I can get a monitor hooked up to my desktop. Note to self for next evac: Go ahead and bring the monitor because you never know. And Windows 10 doesn't have magic transfers.
I did my best to work today, though hot flashes were happening all day and my vitamins that usually keep those at bay are at the evacuated house. A reorder is on the way but not fast enough. I will make some hops tea and see if that helps - I haven't had any since the evacuation and am glad Tammy reminded me that I gave her some so it's available.
Tam and E went to the farm to shear sheep for part of the afternoon. It was quite an adventure. As they described it, I thought they might be able to put my milk stand to good use. If it survives the fires. So much of my life is still tied up in that house. "If it doesn't burn up" is a regular comment when I'm talking about future plans.
Tam had an appointment and then the electrician came late in the day to fix the breaker that went out the night before. After getting the fridge properly situated again, I drove with E to get takeout for dinner.
Tam and I watched Yellowstone before bed. She hasn't seen it before and I enjoyed the first couple episodes of the first season again. I had forgotten about some of what had happened.
We are safe and well. I hope you are too.
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