Saturday, January 29, 2011

Muddling Through

After hearing the rain pour down earlier this evening, we now have a brief break and some quiet.  I really shouldn't complain, as we have had a couple weeks of warmer weather, including some record breaking high temperature days, but now the rain is back.  I don't know for how long, but hope that we can get some breathing room in between storms.

The goaties are behaving for the most part.  Becca and I check in with each other before moving them, so that we are aware of who's in heat and most likely to try to run off.  No escapees.  I have started putting leashes on the younguns, Moonshine and Luna, because they are starting to wander off and not follow the typical routine.  There's nothing more frustrating than trying to herd two small, feisty, jumping, bouncy goats that act like kids (they are almost 2 years old) while holding an older, cantankerous, wannabe herd queen at the same time.  Clipping the "babies" together encourages them to keep each other in line.

We have been craving bacon sandwiches lately, and are hanging out this Saturday night after having enjoyed a BLAT(O) feast.  Bacon Lettuce Avocado Tomato (and red Onion for me).  The brownies just came out of the oven, so it's really a perfect rainy night, just hanging out together.  This morning I spent most of my time after chores sorting through a couple years of accumulated bottles and cans, getting them ready for recycling.   We got out too late to make it to the center today, but will go ahead and turn those in this week.  I was planning a dump run for tomorrow, but discovered too late the dump is now closed on Sundays.  Really?  I guess that will wait until next Saturday.

It's time to put some of the goats into Bugs' old pen, so they can eat down the growing grass and help get the area garden-ready.  This is the spot where my landlady and I plan to install our common garden this year.  I'm looking forward to the larger space and the camaraderie that I have missed from a previous home, where my then-landlady/friend/neighbor and I gardened together.  I really enjoy B's company and am looking forward to being able to spend more time together.

Becca is whining about cutting into the brownies, so it must be time to go.  I'll post more later about our planned excursion with the goats to her school next week.  It should be a lot of fun and I'm sure will generate some entertaining stories for me to share with you all.  I hope to remember to bring the camera to share some photos!

Happy New Year, everyone.  Here's to a good year for all!

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